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   <name>Alex Karle</name>
   <title>In Praise of the Local Library</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/038.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
In Praise of the Local Library
Wed Jan 24 09:21:00 EST 2024

When we bought our house, we knew
we wanted to be walking distance to
town center. We had various reasons:
access to public transport, shops,
and restaurants... but of all the
amenities, the one that's been by far
the best is the library.

Which came as a bit of a surprise to

Around the time we were buying, we
were planning our wedding, and of
course juggling a bunch of home
repairs, so reading was low on my
list of leisure activities (watching
YouTube videos on how to fix slow
draining sinks was high).

But the library has been so much
more than a place to get books. They
host live music, free exercise classes,
and have a wealth of knowledge of the
town (which has been fun to explore).

Even cooler (for the recent homeowner),
they have a "library of things", where
you can check out tools, board games,
and more. I used it just this week to
check out an air quality tester and
moisture meter to make sure our stove
wasn't polluting the living space and
the wood is properly seasoned. That's
>$200 in tools saved! How cool is that?

And of course there's books, lots of
them :) Our library is part of a bigger
network where they'll share books
with neighboring libraries, which has
meant I have never found a title I
couldn't get at the library.

So here's a little thanks to all our
librarians; you make the community a
better place :)
   <title>The Joys of a Wood Stove</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/037.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
The Joys of a Wood Stove
Sun Dec 31 17:11:05 EST 2023

Jennie and I completed our first
elective home project this month
(after a series of unfortunate roof,
boiler, oil tank, and chimney fixes):
a wood stove.

The installation itself was stressful--
shoddy communication, delayed parts,
incompetent installers... but 3 months
after we started, it's here, and I
couldn't be loving it more.

We've had a fire almost every day for
3 weeks now, and it's given our home
a new warmth--both in its cozy
atmosphere and literally; it allows
us to heat asymmetrically, with a
toasty chair next to the fire and a
chillier bedroom upstairs. Much
preferred to the flat temperature of
central heating.  Heat people, not
spaces, as they say.

And while it may become more of a
chore over time, I've loved the
demanding nature of heating with wood:
it's forced me to chop kindling and
haul wood inside every other day, and
with a busy remote job, this is the
perfect positive pressure needed to
get 15 minutes of crisp air.

It demands attention too. Stoking,
refueling, and monitoring active fires
while in use, as well as cleaning the
stove daily. It might sound like a
hassle, but I love that I'm capable
of doing it myself. Our oil boiler
cannot legally be self-serviced and
is quite literally a black box.  In
comparison the wood stove is simple.
Even though we don't have trees to
cut down, it still feels like a big
step closer to self sufficiency.
Certainly in a storm we won't worry
about losing power.

Lastly, there's something innately
appealing in a good fire. Maybe it's
evolutionary, with fire being such
an important part of primitive life.
Maybe its just my ability to conceptualize
the whole lifecycle, from tree to log
to ember, that heightens my appreciation
compared to the turning of a dial.

Regardless, I can't imagine home
without it now.
   <title>The Many Benefits of Anti-Consumerism</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/036.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
The Many Benefits of Anti-Consumerism
Sat Dec  2 22:06:30 EST 2023

It's been a year of non-technical interests,
as I detailed a bit on my weblog [1]. Among
them were Digital Minimalism, Financial
Independence (especially through Frugality),
Investing, and more recently Sustainability
and Zero-Waste.

Thinking about minimizing my environmental
impact / waste led me to a maybe-not-so-shocking

       The simplest path for all of
       the above is to just not buy

You create less waste if you buy less.
It's easier to FI if you buy less.
You have more to invest if you buy less.

All of the interests are symbiotic in this
way. Even digital minimalism fits in nicely,
with less need for state-of-the-art technology,
less ewaste, and of course less exposure to
advertisements which drive the desire for things.

I may be misusing the term, but I think what
is essential to achieving buying less is
anti-consumerism: rejecting the culture of
endless consumption. Breaking the desire->
purchase->discard hamster wheel and instead
reusing, repairing, and recycling.

With our FI hat on:

       Any dollar spent is a dollar
       not gaining interest ("working
       for you").

But maybe that argument doesn't appeal to
the already wealthy. A more urgent need
is seen with the sustainability hat on:

       Any material thing must
       have been created with resources
       taken from this earth (potentially
       through harmful methods).

Repairing, repurposing, and most importantly
sharing our possessions can keep waste out
of landfills and strengthen our communities.

I'm sharing all this not to preach, judge,
or otherwise posture as a better earth citizen
than anyone else. I'm just as guilty of buying
my own lawnmower for ~10 mows a year instead
of arranging a joint custody with neighbors
(albeit before having given this much thought).

I bring this all up because I'm excited. My
seemingly complex and varied lifestyle goals
all have a simple, effective, solution to get
me 90% of the way there: just buy less.

[1]: https://alexkarle.com/blog/life-updates-2023.html
   <title>When Seemingly Infinite Becomes Suddenly Finite</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/035.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
When Seemingly Infinite Becomes Suddenly Finite
Mon Apr 24 22:36:06 EDT 2023

.. or, we're buying a house!

We've been renting our current apartment for 4yr
now, and yesterday our bid was accepted on a house.
Needless to say, it's been a whirlwind of a day.
Shopping for mortgages, emailing attorneys,
organizing pay stubs, etc.

But what struck me most has been the sensation that
the small routines of my life will be changed.
The little things, like the dishwasher door needing
an extra shove or the lamp chord working 25% of the time.
In our four years here I've come to accept them
as part of life; seemingly infinite in nature.

And then just like that, they're finite. As I
loaded the dishwasher tonight, I thought about how
it was one of the last dozen times I would run it.

It's a peculiar feeling. A mix of excitement for
the future and bittersweet nostalgia. I've felt
it before when changing jobs--having the daily
stressers suddenly evaporate. What felt core to
my existence turning out to be just a phase.

It's funny because I know these things are temporary.
Renting was never meant to be permanent. The
dishwasher could have been replaced. And of course
we all die one day. But to have routines of unknown
length suddenly truncated feels like a burden lifted.

This is almost definitely melodramatic; I blame it
on the fact that I'm halfway through White Noise by
Don DeLillo. Still I think there's something to the
thought. It's amusing I ever let the small annoyances
become part of my routine at all. Only to appreciate
them most when I know they're temporary.
   <title>On Digital Minimalism</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/034.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
On Digital Minimalism
Tue Apr 11 23:45:48 EDT 2023

Sometime in February this year I picked up Cal
Newport's "Digital Minimalism" and decided I'd
give a "digital detox" a try. The phlog posts
definitely suffered, but it was a worthwhile

For most of March I tried to limit my outside of
work screen time. I put my phone on my dresser
instead of my bedstand. I put my laptop in my
office instead of the bedroom. I tried hard to
avoid the urge to surf the web or check the
news at the first sign of a minute lull.

And I felt better for it. Or at least I think
I did.

In a way, I'd been prepping for it inadvertently
for a while. So much of the book focuses on
social media, which I've been off for years.
The hard bit for me was news, blogs, YouTube,
etc. I'm hooked on learning new things, and
the internet is the fastest way to be exposed
to the craziest shit (for better or worse).

A highlight was rediscovering my love for
reading. I read more books in the past two
months than the past three years. Fiction,
non fiction, sci-fi, you name it. This sounds
like a brag, but it was probably only 6 books,
which really just goes to show how little I'd
been reading before.

As of today, I'd say my detox is on hold.
I got distracted from it, falling back into
old habits without taking the time to evaluate
the individual technologies I want to keep
in my life. It was hard not to, with work
requiring me to be on-call. I hope to revisit
it again soon.

All in all, I'd recommend the book (it's a quick
read!) and trying some form of the recommended
experience. For a blip, I found the time to
reflect on life. I wonder where that time went /s
   <title>New Gopherhole Release: My Record Collection</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/033.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
New Gopherhole Release: My Record Collection
Sat Jan 14 00:08:48 EST 2023

Just a quick announcement post: in the spirit of the
"time capsule" I discussed in the last post, I've
added a new section to my gopherhole: "records".
It's got an up to date listing of all the vinyl
in my collection, a brief post on why I collect it,
and a list of when / how / why I got each record
(or set of similar records).

It was really fun to write. Similar to the "this year
in songs" phlog, but on the decade scale instead of

Since records are relatively expensive, it's generally
the case that every record was either:

1. Given to me as a gift

2. An album I love(d)

In either case, I want to remember the context of
when and how/why I acquired it!


   <title>This Gopherhole as a Time Capsule</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/032.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
This Gopherhole as a Time Capsule
Thu Jan  5 22:51:54 EST 2023

.. or "Alex Justifies Spending Time on the Gopherhole"

Remember being in elementary school, when you would
write a letter to your future self, seal it, and the
teachers would hold it for when you graduated?

I've been thinking a lot recently about this gopherhole
and how I want it to grow in the future, and I think
a large part of that will be thinking of it as a
"time capsule" for my future self.

There are some parts of the gopherhole that are "living"
and have direct benefit today:

* The phlog helps me process my thoughts through writing

* The notes section helps me easily fetch helpful tidbits

But recently I got excited about documenting the rules
for a few of my favorite card games [1] (with some house rules
and strategy tips). And in the middle of doing so I was
struck by the fact that (1) this was taking longer than
I thought it would and (2) I don't have an audience that
would benefit from it and (3) I won't benefit from writing
them down right now.

My realization was: since all the content is in plaintext,
it should last decades, and I _will_ benefit from revisiting
these in 30+ years.

I haven't heard this concept discussed much (websites as a
time capsule). Probably because it costs money to host a site
why would you pay for 30 years of hosting if you don't plan
on using it :) But for gopherholes I think it may be a good

So even if no one finds this (and I hope someone does--these
are fun games!), I'm excited to revisit them in the decades
to come.

[1]: gopher://alexkarle.com/1/games
   <title>Announcing a New Gopherhole Section: Games!</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/031.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
Announcing a New Gopherhole Section: Games!
Thu Jan  5 22:38:54 EST 2023

I spent a couple hours the past few nights typing up
the rules to a couple of my favorite card games (along
with some heuristics/strategy). You can find it under
the /games selector in my gopherhole:


I hope to grow this section into a small digital library
of card games, along with maybe some reviews of board
games (which are much too complicated to teach and
probably have copyrights preventing duplication).

   <title>Happy New Year!</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/030.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
Happy New Year!
Sun Jan  1 14:53:27 EST 2023

It's hard to believe its 2023 already.
2022 just flew by.

2022 was a good year. Got engaged,
made some new friends, strengthened
existing friendships, started a new
job, and spent lots of time with

I wasn't sure I'd have a New Years
Resolution. I read a great Hacker News
comment that anything worth being
a resolution should be started
immediately rather than waiting for
a new year...

But I'm a sucker for a good resolution.
There's something about a new year
that inspires new habits.

This year, I'm keeping it simple:

       Prioritize my health

This means a lot of things:

* Less junk food

* Staying on top of doctor/dentist visits

* Finding time for exercise

* Getting outside more

I find working from home it's easy to
let the days blend together. To choose
to push things off to tomorrow. But
I'm always happier when I prioritize
my health. So here's to a happy and
healthy 2023.
   <title>Book Review: Sketchy Scheme by Nils M Holm</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/029.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
Book Review: Sketchy Scheme by Nils M Holm
Thu Dec  1 22:47:23 EST 2022

I just finished reading Sketchy Scheme [1] and I
wanted to give it a quick shoutout to my 3 (if that)
readers :)

TL;DR: This is a great intro on Scheme, but less
about "functional programming" than I expected. It's
a tad bit outdated I think, but holds up pretty well.
So far it's been the best resource I've found on
actually writing Scheme.

There's a lot of great free resources online for
Scheme [2][3].

One of the things I really appreciate about the
langauge and ecosystem is that the language design
all happens in the open. You can read the language
spec (R5RS is only 50some pages) and community
standards (SRFI's -- Scheme Requests for Implementation).

However, docs are docs and they aren't necessarily
the "101" course for someone new to Lisp dialects.

I picked up this book in hopes that it would teach
me more about functional programming. There's a lot
of hype going around about FP these days and I thought
why not learn a little Scheme in addition to a new
paradigm. While the examples were functional (and
certainly interesting) it was moreso the reverse: I
learned a lot of Scheme and a little FP. That said,
it was definitely still worth the read; it has a
great overview of Scheme from the basics (which are
easy to learn online) up to detailed descriptions
of define-syntax and call/cc, which I've struggled
to find good succinct resources on.

For the call/cc and define-syntax bits alone, it was
worth the $15 :) Toss in a detailed overview of the
Y combinator that 100% went over my head and I'll
need to walk through with a pen and paper later
and you've got yourself a great book!

[1]: http://t3x.org/sketchy/index.html
[2]: http://scheme.org
[3]: http://schemers.org
   <title>Hackers and Painters and Paint Brushes</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/028.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
Hackers and Painters and Paint Brushes
Wed Nov 30 22:55:58 EST 2022

I've been thinking a lot about dev tooling recently, with
looks at VSCode, Emacs, my Vim setup (still not quite
recovered from wiping my dotfiles to put a FOSS license
on them..).

In the past week, I explored:

* Tiling Window Managers and Applications that
 Leverage Them [1]
* Text Editors vs Code Editors: LSP and CoPilot [2]
* Emacs as a Platform [3]

In this post, I wanted to take a step back as more of a
meta-commentary on not the tooling, but my obsession with

To continue Paul Graham's comparison of Hackers and
Painters [4], I think it's fair to say that text editors
are like paint brushes. Software users don't necessarily
care about the paintbrush used, but instead the painting
it made.

I had this realization last night that I've spent so much
of my free time, and even career (my first job being in
dev tools), studying paint brushes.  And not just the
brushes themselves, but also the types of brushes famous
painters used. I've spent a lot of time reading blogs
like usesthis.com and watching talks to see what the
greats used and then trying them myself. Why do Russ Cox
and Rob Pike still use Acme? Why does Brian Kernighan use
Sam [5]? Why did Guido switch from Emacs to VSCode [6]?
I felt the need to find out.

And I think what I realized is that the answer may be "it
doesn't matter". What matters more is what they've built
with it: their paintings.

The exception maybe is when the painting is the brush:
for example, Rob Pike built Acme.  I suppose for brush
builders, it's part of the trade to be up to date on what
brush weilders are using and why.

But for normal painters it feels like a distraction at
some point.

And that's not to say it's not worth studying how others
are painting--any craftsman should try to stay up to date
on the best techniques. But the more I grow as a programmer
the more I think it matters less what tools you choose
and it's not worth the mental and emotional drain to let
tool choices become religious or part of one's identity*

[1]: gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/026.txt
[2]: gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/025.txt
[3]: gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/023.txt
[4]: http://paulgraham.com/hp.html
[5]: https://lexfridman.com/brian-kernighan/
[6]: https://lexfridman.com/guido-van-rossum/
   <title>A Simple Case for Lisp Parenthesis</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/027.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
A Simple Case for Lisp Parenthesis
Tue Nov 29 23:12:42 EST 2022

I was reading the Functions chapter of Crafting Interpreters
today and was struck by the ugliness of chained function


This presumably calls `foo`, then calls the function foo

While it is arguable that it's maybe too subtle, the lisp
equivalent is definitely easier on the eyes:


Of course, the real power of lisp parenthesis is the fact that
by reducing the syntax to.. a lack of syntax (code is data),
it's easy to write metaprograms (code that writes code
(also called macros)).

But I think sometimes it's easier to appeal to aesthetics than
power. Which would you prefer?

 bar(foo(1, 2)(5), baz(2))(5)

 ((bar ((foo 1 2) 5) (baz 2)) 5)

Or even better:

 ((bar ((foo 1 2) 5)
       (baz 2))

Maybe I've just been reading too many books on Scheme :)
   <title>On Window Managers and the UNIX Philosophy</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/026.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
On Window Managers and the UNIX Philosophy
Sun Nov 27 22:32:09 EST 2022

Ok, so the title is a bit clickbaity, but I needed something
more specific than "On Window Managers".

Really what I hope to explore in this entry is:

> Why don't more applications leverage the window manager?

## Backstory

In my internet research on CHICKEN Scheme, I stumbled
across Felix's website (the original author) [1]. He has
some projects listed, including a Acme-like editor he
develops.  As an Acme enthusiast myself, I had to check
it out!

The editor is called ma [2] and I'm using it to write
this post.  It has the classic look and the mouse
chording/plumbing (and to my pleasant surprise some emacs
and CUA hybrid so Ctrl-S/C/V saves/copies/pastes and
Ctrl-N/P go up/down, etc).

The most interesting thing about ma(1), however, is that
it only supports a single buffer per window. To handle
multiple files, run multiple ma(1) instances. They
communicate with a registry, if needed (presumably for
things like "does anyone have this file open already?").

From the README:

> ma ... needs a tiling window manager to be used in a
> satisfactory way.

This is such an interesting concept, I had to write about it.

[1]: http://call-with-current-continuation.org
[2]: http://call-with-current-continuation.org/ma/ma.html

## On Leveraging the Window Manager

The more I looked around, the more I realized... most
applications have their own window manager. Splits in
Vim, tabs in Firefox, heck Emacs even _calls_ their splits
"windows" (vs "frames" for X11 windows).  Terminals
frequently have tabs/splits, and for those that don't
tmux(1) can be used!

To these apps, the window manager is a foe, not a friend.
It will resize them, force them to adapt. They really
don't seem to be built to work in tandem.

On the other hand, these apps aren't really doing anything
tiling window managers can't. Tabs, splits, stacks... I'd
argue tiling window managers provide more flexibility
than any home baked solution.

Further, each app has a slightly different set of key
bindings to use their window management. They _have_ to
be different because frequently users nest apps within
apps (think vim in tmux in gnome-terminal ctrl-t for gnome
tabs, ctrl-a[num] for tmux, :tab for vim).

Wouldn't it just be cleaner to pull a ma(1) and leverage
the window manager? This would mean:

1. Uniform key bindings between many app types
2. The ability to stack/tab/split between different apps

(2) can't be understated--it's so cool having ma(1) split
in the main panel, firefox and st(1) on the right. If I was
in vim, I could have my shell and editor, but surely not
the browser in the same "grid"!

Off the top of my head there's only two reasons _not_
to do this:

1. (lesser) Needing to run a "registry" to synchonize
  multiple apps is kindof awkward
2. (more importantly) The majority of computer
  users just don't (and can't) use a tiling (or otherwise
  configurable) window manager.

With Windows and macOS having the majority of users, of
_course_ firefox needs to have its own tabs (and so on).
There's simply no sane way to manage your 30+ tab session
as floating windows.

## Wrapping Up

It seems, unless there's a massive shift in how mainstream
desktop window managers work, that writing ma-like programs
that rely on a window manager for basic things like
multiple files is a pipe-dream (unless you drastically
shrink your audience size). That said, it's an interesting
way of dividing the responsibilities; if you can do one
thing only, and do it well, surely you should focus on
being an editor and not a window manager :)
   <title>On Text Editing Efficiency pt. 2</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/025.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
On Text Editing Efficiency pt. 2
date: 2022-11-21 13:04:02 EST

written on: desktop
using: Emacs (M-x phlog)
listening to: All I Need by Goose

I was trying to describe my phlog entry from last night
to Jennie over lunch and came up with an analogy that I
thought was worth a quick followup:

If we consider text editing efficiency to be a
mountain, where the higher you are the more efficient
you are...

Emacs is like deciding to go on a multi-day backpacking
trip up the mountain: it'll be tough, take a while, and
you'll probably have a lot of type-2 fun.

VSCode is like a neighboring mountain with a gondola to
the top and a bar with all your friends drinking beers
overlooking the Emacs backpackers.

Now here's the kicker: as a professional programmer,
it's your job to be at the top of the mountain, or at
least close. Your coworkers will notice if you're still
at the base, or, even worse, if you take the gondola
down to climb another mountain.

There's a few reasons it might still be worth climbing
Emacs mountain:

* It's _possible_ that it's a taller mountain (and that
 you can get more efficient than VSCode)
* The mountain is older and less likely to disappear;
 you can stay at the top longer.
* You don't have to pay to hike it :)
* Hiking it can just be plain fun, and you'll learn
 things and make friends along the way

On the other hand, if it turns out that VSCode mountain
is higher, it becomes harder to justify the effort to
climb Emacs mountain. And similarly, if Vim and Emacs
mountain are the same height, it's hard to justify
descending one to climb the other (other than the fact
that you might enjoy the new hike).

The relative heights of the mountains are, of course,
up for debate. But the effort to climb them is probably

I like hiking, what can I say. I think it's important
to recognize that the time could be spent elsewhere
   <title>On Skill vs Automation in Code Editing</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/024.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
On Skill vs Automation in Code Editing
date: 2022-11-20 22:52:35 EST

I've been playing with my text editor setup between
jobs, first dabbling in Emacs (see my last post) and
now finally taking the time to replace my linter-heavy
ALE config (Vim) with NeoVim's native LSP support.

And well, the LSP mode kind-of blew me away. It truly
felt like IDE features in NeoVim. And this got me
thinking about whether NeoVim, Emacs, and VSCode are
really "Text Editors" and the line between skill based
editing and assistance via tooling.

Let's start at one extreme: GitHub CoPilot being able
to write code for you. There's obviously knowledge
needed to verify and tweak it, but as far as
skill-based efficiencies, this feels pretty easy to
pick up. Pay Microsoft the fee and the efficiency is
yours, little learning investment required.

I think vi (not Vim) represents the other extreme--
being efficient in vi is 100% based on memorizing an
arcane language.

I'd argue that vi(1) is a skill-based efficiency. Now
I'm not saying it's a skill worth learning (per-se),
or even a skill that's hard to learn (I don't want to
come across as looking superior for memorizing it), but
arguably it's a skill. More efficient editing comes
down to learning the language better.

There is an interesting medium here between AI writing
code and learning an editor that uses the least number
of keystrokes to make a change, and I think LSP is that
medium: it provides the operator with smart operations
(like renaming) based on understanding of the code

I've only begun to scratch the surface of LSP, but even
just watching the rename function work was eye opening.

As an illustration, let's look at how I'd change all
instances of `foo` to `bar` with `:LspRename` mapped to

With LSP: `grbar`


* If only a few: `*ciwbar<ESC>n.n.n.n.` (select the
 next one, then change it to bar, then next -> change
 -> next..)

* If many: `:%s/\<foo\>/bar/gc` (y/n at each prompt)

There's a clear slowdown with Vim (beyond the amount of
typing): the mental overhead of having to decide if
each is a false positive or not. It can be eliminated a
bit by the word-boundary \<\> and the search for just
\<foo\> via *, but it's definitely not perfect. With
LSP, the server knows the instances and can tell the
client every location without the operator changing

The major downside of LSP AFAICT is that it's limited to
languages that have a server (and code in general). In
a CSV file, for instance, `gr` just won't be an option.
And of course, for massive codebases it can be very
expensive to run / slow.

If anything, this just reinforces the difference
between a _text_ editor and a _code_ editor, and I
expect we'll continue to see the gap widen over time
(with the line between IDE and code editor maybe
blurring a bit).

vi is a text editor through and through. Vim, Emacs,
and VSCode are all code editors (the former two if
configured properly).

In a world with CoPilot, I wonder how far Code editors
will go. And I wonder if that'll make it harder for new
languages to form (with such a barrier for tooling,
etc). If developers become operators of AI, there's a
real chicken and egg problem with new languages: the AI
just won't have any samples to learn from if humans
don't write it.

I'd like to think the AI-operator-coding world is far
away (but admittedly I've never tried CoPilot myself,
so I don't know how usable it is).

What I do feel pretty strongly about is that it puts
oneself at a disadvantage to use a pure text editor for
professional coding where a code editor might provide a
more full-featured suite of tools.

Even the most adept vi(1) user probably can't keep up
with an LSP enabled editor.

But hey, I'd love to be proved wrong. As someone who
strives for simplicity in software (this is on Gopher
after all), I'd love to believe some combination of
vi(1) for surgical edits, sed(1) for bulk edits, etc
could culminate to VSCode efficiency. It just feels
like a losing battle having a human make all the
incantations when we've written language parsers that
can make high level edits for us.

Now, the more philosophical question is: with the trend
towards better automation, is it worth becoming a
skilled/efficient editor of text at all? How much of
our time is thinking, designing, and generally not
cranking out words? Is it worth hours of learning,
config customization, to get the most efficient
environment? At what point is one doing themselves a
disservice by refusing to use a code editor and
insisting on editing code as text?

I'd like to believe (maybe partially biased by sunk
cost fallacy) that efficiently editing text is still an
important skill, even with better editing software: so
much of the things we deal with are unstructured text
(logs, emails, blog posts, data files, etc). Of course,
you can't always use your favorite editor for all text
(unless that editor is Emacs and you're willing to
customize it :)).

I also think there's some joy in knowing a language
well enough to code in it without assistance (even if
that's probably not the way one should write
professional software while "on the clock"); its like a
chef cooking from memory instead of following a recipe:
probably error prone and slower, but enjoyable? There's
a better analogy out there somewhere.
   <title>Revisiting Emacs</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/023.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
Revisiting Emacs
date: 2022-11-15 14:09:59 EST

## In the Beginning

As a Vim nerd, Emacs has been on my radar for as long
as I've been nerding over text editor productivity
(probably ~5yrs ago towards the end of college).

In fact, my journey with Emacs starts much earlier.  My
second semester of college, we had a systems
programming course where the first couple labs were on
a VM. I remember SSHing in, sitting in my dorm hallway,
and thinking to myself "now what"? That moment of
hopelessness when you realize that all the files aren't
on your local filesystem and you can't use whatever
editor you are accustomed to (I must have been using
Eclipse at the time, since Java was the intro

A friendly neighbor said "oh just type 'emacs FILE' to
get an editor". And so it was that I used emacs years
before touching Vim.

The subsequent labs ended up adding a graphical desktop
to the VM with Sublime Text installed, so I didn't end
up diving deep into Emacs, but it was there first.

## Over the Years

I vaguely recall trying out Emacs around the same time
I was getting very into Vim. It's sad to say that I
very much fell for the tribal nature of the argument
and swore affiliation to Vim before giving it an honest
try.  There were all sorts of politics involved
too. Who was this RMS guy? Do I agree with his beliefs?
(this predated the scandals, which are out of scope of
this piece).

At the time, and for the years to follow, I was sold on
the fact that Vim was _efficient_. I bought into the
"Emacs is the whole toolshed and Vim is a paring knife,
much more efficient for surgical edits" saying.

When I made it into industry, I was surprised to find
that the majority of my team were Emacs enthusiasts. I
resisted and became the Vim holdout (this has been the
only team I've worked on with this situation--now it's
much more a Vim holdout vs VSCode). Vim was already in
my fingertips, and I knew all the power features
(:tags, :jumps, etc).. why learn something new? I gave
evil-mode a spin, but it felt a bit "off". All too
often I'd pop into a buffer in another mode (like
Magit) and find myself completely unable to switch back
with vim-like window motions (and at a loss of how to

To top it all off, I was convinced Emacs was very much
against the UNIX philosophy--it didn't do one thing
well! Who needs tetris in a text editor? I became
interested in minimalist computing (suckless, cat-v,
etc) where Emacs was the butt of many jokes.

## Coming Back

Over the past few months (but really dating back
years), I've become more and more interested in LISP,
specifically Scheme, and it led me back to Emacs.

Now, I think it's totally possible to write LISP in
Vim. But there is a natural tendency for LISP lovers to
find themselves using Emacs (and therefore the support
is much better). I chalk this up to the fact that LISP
isn't used much in industry, so Emacs is maybe one of
the few chances these developers have to use the
language in earnest. Maybe that's an over

Mind you, it wasn't _really_ the promise of
extensibility or customizeability *in the editor*. I
had achieved "config equilibrium" with Vim; I had a
small core set of plugins to be effective and knew the
editor inside and out--my vimrc remained untouched for
months at a time. The thought of _having_ to write
hundreds of lines of elisp to customize an editor
seemed wasteful.

BUT, what I came to realize is that Emacs isn't about
customizing *an editor*. It's about customizing a LISP
platform for everyday productivity (beyond the scope of
editing). Things like Email, IRC, gopher clients, web
browsers, directory managers, and more are all written
on Emacs *not* for the benefit of the editor, but
because it's fundamentally a platform for applications
(just like the browser has become a platform for web

The thought of a LISP platform, with a whole suite of
discoverable, self-documenting, FOSS LISP apps is
definitely appealing. Although I am still relatively
partial to the "write one tool to do the job well"
approach, I suppose you could argue that the elisp
packages do one thing well on top of Emacs.

I thus set out to give Emacs a fair shot.

## An Example Productivity Flow

If we move beyond productivity during text editing,
what does productivity look like? For me, the answer
was usually shell scripts to automate redundant

A great example of this is my 'phlog' script described
in [1] to start a new phlog entry:

die() {
   echo "$*"
   exit 1

[ -z "$1" ] && die "usage: phlog TITLE"

PHLOG=$(dirname "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")")/phlog

nextfile() {
   file=$(printf "%03d.txt" $i)
   : $((i+=1))

underline="$(echo "$title" | sed 's/./-/g')"

while [ -e "$PHLOG/$file" ]; do

echo "$title" >"$PHLOG/$file"
echo "$underline" >>"$PHLOG/$file"
date >>"$PHLOG/$file"

ed  "$PHLOG/index.gph" <<EOM
/^\[0|Atom Feed/+a
[0|[$(date +%F)] $title|/phlog/$file|server|port]


exec "${EDITOR:-vi}" "$PHLOG/$file"

This simply makes it so that no matter what I'm doing,
I can open a new phlog entry (without having to keep
track of what number I'm on, or update the index, etc).

The script is definitely hacky though. It uses some
obscure shell syntax for incrementing variables, sed(1)
for string substitution, ed(1) for editing the index
and local-looking global variables (`file`).

Even with just ~1hr of elisp experience, I was able
to put together the same flow that (IMHO) reads much

(defun phlog (title)
 ;; Allows M-x phlog and prompts for title (passed as an argument)
 (interactive "sTitle: ")
 ;; Parse the directory for TXT files (sorted) to get new filename
 ;; (corresponds to nextfile loop in shell script)
 (let* ((files (directory-files phlog-root nil "\.txt$" nil))
        (most-recent (car (last files)))
        (new-name (format "%03d.txt" (+ 1 (string-to-number
                                           (car (split-string most-recent "\\.")))))))
   ;; First update the index (corresponds to ed(1) script above)
   (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect (concat phlog-root "/index.gph"))
     (goto-char (point-min))                 ; go to beginning, if already open
     (search-forward "Atom Feed")
     (insert (format "\n[0|[%s] %s|/phlog/%s|server|port]"
                     (format-time-string "%F" (current-time))
   ;; Now open it in a new file (corresponds to echo/date/exec vi)
   (find-file (concat phlog-root "/" new-name))
   (insert (concat title "\n"))
   (insert (replace-regexp-in-string "." "-" title))
   (insert (format "\ndate: %s\n" (format-time-string "%F %H:%M:%S %Z" (current-time))))))

When you factor in the ability to exec parts of these
as I developed the function (or in the scratch buffer),
the development experience for the function was much
better too.

To top it all off, while this function doesn't
highlight it too well, it's clear that the interaction
capabilities of Emacs (with the minibuffer,
completions, etc) are way beyond that of a shell script
(reading args or from /dev/tty, etc).

All in all, I think if I'm going to keep using Emacs, I
could see myself having dozens of these small custom
commands to allow me to quickly phlog, blog, or keep
todo lists up to date (etc).

[1]: gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/011.txt

## The Catch

This is all great for customizing my personal
environment, but the reality is that Emacs users are
very much in the minority.  Shell scripts have "won"
because all devs are comfortable running them in a
terminal. They're the lowest common denominator.

So when it comes to _shared_ productivity, Emacs feels
like a nonstarter. Any team productivity tools will
need to be first written in shell scripts for the team
and then duplicated into Emacs, not built primarily
for Emacs.

## Conclusion

Only time will tell if I continue to use Emacs. I think
I'll play around a bit more. I definitely "get" it more
than I did before, but I'm skeptical of the investment
required to customize my own environment (vs investing
that time into shell scripts that can be shared).

This all said, it's worth mentioning that I'm no longer
a big believer in customizing the Vim environment
either (for largely the same reasons). If anything,
part of what drew me to Emacs was the feeling that the
(Neo)Vim family was becoming just as "bloated" but with
a lesser ecosystem:

* The addition of the Vim9 language (instead of using,
 say, Lua) felt like a misstep for Vim proper

* NeoVim (and now Vim) having a Terminal feels like a
 violation of the editor boundary (more like Emacs)

* With the above two--why not just use Emacs? I checked
 and the core of NeoVim is ~300k LOC of C and the core
 of Emacs is ~400k LOC of C--Emacs then has >1M LOC of
 LISP, but if the core is solid and makes a hackable
 platform, isn't that a properly designed
 platform/system? (note: didn't try to weed out test
 code, used David Wheeler's SLOCCount)

In other words, Vim and NeoVim feel like they're
gravitating towards Emacs, but with a fragmented
community and a less capable extension language (even
if they have a better core editor).

I wonder if Emacs will have a revival? (but such a
discussion needs to discuss the elephant in the room:
VSCode, and that requires a whole other post!).
   <title>Adventures in Scheme</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/022.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
Adventures in Scheme
Tue Nov  1 10:16:01 PM EDT 2022

A theme in my programming career has been a fixation on
exploring the mysterious, challenging, and powerful
corners of the craft.

It was the promise of speed that led me to Vim.

It was the allure of simplicity that led me to Plan 9.

And it's the stories of power that led me to LISP.

I'm being a bit dramatic, but it's true. I'm highly
susceptible to evangelist writings and deep rabbit holes.

LISP, and more specifically Scheme, has been on my radar for
a while now. I think my first encounter was probably through
Emacs--what was this builtin configuration language people
raved about? Later I started reading about LISP in general
through Hackernews and other forums.

In the past couple months, I finally got an excuse to do
some serious coding in it: implementing the interpreter from
"Crafting Interpreters" (Nystrom, 2021) as part of a book
club. I'm by no means an expert, but I've been enjoying it
enough I thought it deserved a phlog post!

It's kinda funny writing a post in 2022 in praise of Scheme.
It definitely is still praise-worthy, but I think a lot of
the things it excelled at (first class functions, tail
call optimization, even *lexical scope* with early lisps
using dynamic scope) are now common place in more popular

So in a way, it's a huge testament to the language that
there's anything left that it excels at that others don't do
better almost 50 years later.

I can't claim to be an expert yet, but I do see glimpses of
the "power". It took me hours of reading to wrap my head
around call/cc (continuations) and how they can be used for
things like coroutines. And I still have yet to write my
first macro (but I understand now how powerful it is to have
the source code of the language be data in the language
itself--macros can access and manipulate the input source
using primitive functions like map, car, cdr, etc).

I can report that things like dealing with the parenthesis
and infix notation becomes second nature pretty quickly (and
now I kinda like it!)

It's been a fun adventure so far, and I'll try to keep it
going a bit longer (at least to write some macros). If
there's one thing I've found in any of my explorations in
search of mysterious programming tools and languages, it's
that I always emerge with a newfound excitement to come into
work and a better perspective on problem solving.

-- Bonus Puzzle! --

I'll end with a continuation puzzle for you. To be honest, I
didn't fully grok it until I made the chart at the end, so
it's just as much for me! :)

Here's the code and the output:

(let* ((yin ((lambda (cc) (newline) (display #\@) cc) (call/cc (lambda (c) c))))
      (yang ((lambda (cc) (display #\*) cc) (call/cc (lambda (c) c)))))
   (yin yang))


But before we dive in, let's look at the strange oddity that
is call/cc (call-with-current-continuation). call/cc is a
function that calls another function with the current
continuation (as the name implies). The current continuation
itself is a function that, when invoked, returns from
call/cc with the value it was invoked with. In its simplest
form this can be used to abort a function:

(display (call/cc (lambda (cc)
                   (cc "hello world")
                   "not reached")))

Will print "hello world" since invoking cc will force the
return from call/cc early before it can return "not

OK this is fine. Languages have 'return' statements. We've
all been here. Ahhh but what if we _returned_ the
continuation? In scheme continuations are first class and
can be stored in variables--they can persist beyond the
block they were defined in. THIS is where it gets

(define cc #f)
 (+ 1
    (call/cc (lambda (c)
               (set! cc c)

(cc 5)

In this example, we add 1 to the result of call/cc, which,
the first go around is just 1 (that's what the lambda
returns--we don't abort, just save it off into the cc
variable for later).

If we invoke it again, we *return to that point in the
code* even though it's been interpreted already. call/cc
returns 5 (since that's what we invoke cc with) and we print

OK final twist--this just feels like a goto... but we can
also show that we package up the state of the callstack:

(define cc #f)

(define (prlist lst)
 (if (not (null? lst))
     (begin (display (car lst))
            (if (eq? (car lst) 'b)
              (call/cc (lambda (c) (set! cc c))))
            (prlist (cdr lst)))))

(prlist '(a b c))
(cc 0)

In this case, we have a simple recursive prlist that prints
each element until it reaches a null list. At element 'b, it
saves its continuation into cc. Calling cc later picks up
the loop from that point (printing c a second time):


Point being: the state of lst is captured in the

So back to our example (without the newline):

1 | (let* ((yin ((lambda (cc)  (display #\@) cc) (call/cc (lambda (c) c))))
2 |        (yang ((lambda (cc) (display #\*) cc) (call/cc (lambda (c) c)))))
3 |    (yin yang))

Lets walk line by line, writing down the line just read, the
output, the name of the continuation (with ' to indicate a
return) and the state of each variable:

cc-id   | Line | Yin   | Yang  | Out
yin1    | 1    | yin1  | nil   | @
yang1   | 2    | yin1  | yang1 | @*

-->  L3: call yin1 on yang1 (jump back to L1 and
-->  return yang1 from call/cc, storing it in yin)

yin1'  | 1     | yang1 | nil   | @*@
yang2  | 2     | yang1 | yang2 | @*@*

-->  call yang1 on yang2 (jump back to L2 and
-->  return yang2. but NOTE yin has also gone
-->  back to its old value at the time yang1
-->  was crafted!)

yang1' | 2     | yin1  | yang2 | @*@**

--> call yin1 on yang2

yin1'  | 1     | yang2 | nil   | @*@**@
yang3  | 2     | yang2 | yang3 | @*@**@*

--> call yang2 on yang3

yang2' | 2     | yang1 | yang3 | @*@**@**

--> call yang1 on yang3

yang1' | 2     | yin1  | yang3 | @*@**@***

--> call yin1 on yang3

yin1'  | 1     | yang3 | nil   | @*@**@***@
yang4  | 2     | yang3 | yang4 | @*@**@***@*
yang3' | 2     | yang2 | yang4 | @*@**@***@**
yang2' | 2     | yang1 | yang4 | @*@**@***@***
yang1' | 2     | yin1  | yang4 | @*@**@***@****
yin1'  | 1     | yang4 | yang5 | @*@**@***@****@

And so on... because the continuation for yang encloses the
value of yin at the creation time, whenever we invoke yangN
on yangK, we print a * and invoke yangN-1 on yangK until
yang1 at which point yin goes back to yin1 and we print a
new @ and create a new yangN+1. yin is then yangN and the
cycle continues.

Wow, right?

This is also shown by looking at the following output of the
pointers for each variable (using CHICKEN Scheme):

(import (chicken memory) (chicken format))

(let* ((yin  ((lambda (cc)
               (newline) cc)
             (call/cc (lambda (c) c))))
      (yang ((lambda (cc) cc)
             (call/cc (lambda (c) c)))))
   (display (format "~A | ~A\n" (object->pointer yin) (object->pointer yang)))
   (yin yang))

#<pointer 0x7ffc780c6bb0> | #<pointer 0x7ffc780c1850>

#<pointer 0x7ffc780c1850> | #<pointer 0x7ffc780b6cc0>
#<pointer 0x7ffc780c6bb0> | #<pointer 0x7ffc780b6cc0>

#<pointer 0x7ffc780b6cc0> | #<pointer 0x7ffc780a6900>
#<pointer 0x7ffc780c1850> | #<pointer 0x7ffc780a6900>
#<pointer 0x7ffc780c6bb0> | #<pointer 0x7ffc780a6900>

#<pointer 0x7ffc780a6900> | #<pointer 0x7ffc78090d10>
#<pointer 0x7ffc780b6cc0> | #<pointer 0x7ffc78090d10>
#<pointer 0x7ffc780c1850> | #<pointer 0x7ffc78090d10>
#<pointer 0x7ffc780c6bb0> | #<pointer 0x7ffc78090d10>

#<pointer 0x7ffc78090d10> | #<pointer 0x7ffc780758f0>
#<pointer 0x7ffc780a6900> | #<pointer 0x7ffc780758f0>
#<pointer 0x7ffc780b6cc0> | #<pointer 0x7ffc780758f0>
#<pointer 0x7ffc780c1850> | #<pointer 0x7ffc780758f0>
#<pointer 0x7ffc780c6bb0> | #<pointer 0x7ffc780758f0>

Notice that we always get down to bb0 in yin and then start

As a final note, I got super confused in the middle of
writing this because of this example:

(define cc #f)

(let ((state "foo"))
   (+ 1
      (call/cc (lambda (c)
                 (set! cc c)
 (display state)
 (set! state "bar")

(cc 5)

I thought surely that this would print:


Since the closure captured the value of "state" as "foo" at
the time. But instead it prints "bar". What gives??

My best guess here is that set! _modifies_ the continuation
environment in-place. In the yin-yang puzzle, each (let)
creates its own environment, so we end up with the
returning-to-old-values behavior, but when we use set! it
modifies the environment from underneath the continuation.

I'll do more research when it's not past midnight :)
   <title>Remembering the Kitchen Computer</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/021.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
Remembering the Kitchen Computer
Sat Oct  8 11:56:25 PM EDT 2022

Written on: Thinkpad X13
Listening to: Goose Live at Dillon Amphitheater 2022-08-17

I'm dog sitting for my folks this weekend which
means I'm spending a good bit of time in my
childhood home. It's nostalgic at times, although
I do come over about once a week with Jennie to
see my parents for dinner and board games. We live
close by, and it's a nice way to stay in touch.

Anyways, this post isn't about dog sitting or
being at home really: it's about remembering a
fixture of my childhood: the Kitchen Computer.

For most of my pre-teen and all my high-school
years, my family had compact PC desktop running
Windows XP (then Windows 7, never made it to
Win10). It was finally put out to the garage a
few years ago, when it became so slow that
people would rather use phones than wait 30s
for the browser to start.

But during its heyday, it was a central part
of my computing life. I was fortunate enough
to go to a high school where halfway through
they were able to give everyone a laptop, but
prior to that it was one of the main ways I
accessed the internet.

Our house is laid out so that the kitchen,
a wide open space with an island, is a frequent
gathering spot. So the kitchen computer was the
natural place to gather round and share a video.
Or to queue up some music to listen to while
my mom cooked (she's an amazing cook).

Cooking tonight for my friends (pizza game night!)
it just struck me how the computing world has
moved on. My kids probably won't have that
communal "gather round" experience of a shared
desktop. It's both amazing how far our handhelds
have come and sad to lose that old experience.
Even if it was slow and involved dealing with
Windows :)

I wonder what home computing will look like by
the time I have kids. Hopefully I'll be able to
pass along some favorite technologies when they're
old enough.
   <title>The Joys of IRC</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/020.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
The Joys of IRC
Thu Oct  6 23:23:16 EDT 2022

Written on: x220 (openbsd)
Listening to: Running Away by Vulfpeck (Live at MSG)

## Discovering IRC

IRC first came across my radar a little out of
college, when I started spending a good bit of time
lurking in free software communities. But it wasn't
always second nature--in fact my first dip was nothing
but intimidating.

I'll never forget the first time I downloaded irssi(1)
and connected to freenode--I was immediately presented
with my rDNS exposing that akarle was indeed using
Boston MA FIOS and I logged off pretty quickly scared
to be exposing my home IP (especially to a bunch of

After I got over the IP thing (I can't remember if
I discovered cloaking or used a proxy), I then was
nervous to speak up--people here seemed to follow a
strict etiquette ("don't ask to ask", etc). I didn't
want to seem like a noob!

Nevertheless, I felt cool just being there. In the
room where it happens. I saw chat messages go by from
programmers I held in high regard. It blew me away
to have access to these people, even if I wasn't using

When I set up garbash.com with Anthony, IRC was top
of the list of tech I wanted to play around with,
and I was not disappointed.

## Where IRC Excels

After getting over the learning-the-ropes stages
(setting up a bouncer for chat history, etc), I
learned to appreciate IRC beyond the people there.

IRC excels in a few ways:

1. Lightweight medium (super fast)
2. Open protocol (many clients)
3. Simple extensibility

The low-bandwidth medium becomes super obvious
when using a terminal client during the work day.
Switching between Slack and catgirl(1) is night and

The open protocol has been a boon for usage on our
Tilde.  Most of our members prefer to use the Gamja
web client, which integrates really nicely with Soju
for history.

And lastly, the simple extensibility comes from the
lack of security by default. I mean, anyone who
can access the server can send messages? Under any
nick not in use?  A terrible recipe for public
access, but a great choice for an internal-facing
network, like a tilde :) It becomes easy to write
tools that ping channels using just regular unix

I wrote my first such tool tonight, which is what
inspired this post [1].

It uses curl(1) to fetch https and gopher feeds,
sfeed(1) to parse the feeds, awk(1) to parse the
parsing (and determine "new" feeds since the last
run) and lastly nc(1) to connect to IRC and notify
our main channel. It's that simple:

       nc localhost 6667 <<EOM >/dev/null
       NICK rssbot
       USER rssbot rssbot localhost :rssbot
       PRIVMSG #garbash :New post '$1' here: $2

How cool is that?? If all goes well, it should get
notified about this post :)

[1]: https://git.garbash.com/alex/irc-rss-listener/log.html

## Looking Forward

I'm optimistic that the work coming out of the great
folks at sourcehut.org will keep IRC along for some
time more. chat.sr.ht is a fantastic solution (running
a SaaS version of Gamja and Soju), providing an easy
cross platform way to connect to multiple servers
(with things like history built right in).

I can't say I've tried many other FOSS messaging
protocols like XMPP or Matrix, but I do hope the future
is open-protocol and not walled-garden like Discord
or Slack.
   <title>On Simplicity</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/019.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
On Simplicity
Thu Oct  6 00:15:41 EDT 2022

[Disclaimer: I'm not an expert on eithe language]
[discussed in this piece, take it with a grain  ]
[of salt; it's more about the bigger picture!   ]

I'm making my way through Crafting Interpreters [1]
with a small group of friends (a "book club", if you
will), and I decided to try to implement the interpreter
in Scheme (CHICKEN Scheme to be exact).

Scheme is a funny language. It has "simplicities" in its
sparsity: parenthesis for unambiguous syntax, no looping
mechanisms other than recursion, etc.

Sometimes it feels a lot like Go, with its minimal set of
builtins focused on readability and one-way-to-do-things.

Other times, it feels very different (much more spartan,
but maybe that's due to me not yet grokking the paradigm
shift / struggling to shift mindset).

Regardless, I wanted to share a quote from Rob Pike that
really struck me from this talk [2]:

> I want to make a really important point here:
> I've said Go is simple, but it's not.
> I know, I've worked on it!
> ...
> Simplicity ... is the art of hiding complexity

Scheme's simplicity seems to come from a mathematical
purity--closures and recursion and homoiconicity.

Go's simplicity seems to come from excellent design
focused on modern software needs.

It's a wonder they can be used to do the same things.

[1]: http://craftinginterpreters.com/
[2]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFejpH_tAHM
   <title>True Burrowing</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/018.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
True Burrowing
Sun Oct  2 22:11:55 EDT 2022

This code used to live in the alexkarle.com web repo
because it was easy and I want to pull a lot of www
content into the gopherhole.

I decided today to take the somewhat drastic action
of not only removing the content from web and putting
it in its own repo but using `git filter-repo` to
scrub it from alexkarle.com. Why? Well, I posted the
repo on GitHub, and a friend immediately noticed it.

I've been pretty transparent with work unhappiness /
interviewing, and GitHub is where I do my professional
work. The last thing I want is an awkward conversation
with my manager over "why am I interviewing and posting
about it on a blog".

To be fair, I probably shouldn't be.

But I did, and it was there. So I scrubbed it.

For future reference, the following easily made the
gopher/ directory its own repo:

       $ git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter gopher

And in another clone, the following scrubbed it from web:

       $ git filter-repo --invert-paths --path gopher

So here we are. Burrowed at last. But without CI! When
I hit `git push` this won't go live yet... time to hook
the piping up!
   <title>The Non-Technical Diffculties of Phlogging</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/017.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
The Non-Technical Difficulties of Phlogging
Sat Sep 24 11:41:57 PM EDT 2022

I've put in some effort over the years to make sure
that phlogging is as easy as possible from a technical
perspective. I mean... the phlog(1) script creates
a new file and updates my index, and a simple git-push
publishes it.. since files are served as plaintext,
even ed(1) is a WYSIWYG editor :)

So why is it hard to phlog regularly?

Obviously this phlog has been sporadic at best,
but I noticed that it's definitely a theme over at
SDF too (gopher.club)--so many newcomers have a
first post like "I'm so excited to be here" and then
"I hope to phlog daily" only to stop after a couple

I think the barriers to phlogging are non-technical.
At least for me (I completely understand that picking
up gopher requires a good bit of computer smarts).

When it comes down to it: why should I bother phlogging?

I generally write long-form entries for two reasons:

 1. I need to think through my emotions
 2. I have some tech/thought worth sharing

For (1), I'd much rather keep these to my pen and paper
journal. And for (2), the sad reality is that I want
them to be available over HTTP so that recruiters
and future employers see my work/hobbies. Unless it
explicitly involves gopher (and is therefore of most
interest to other burrowers), it's probably good material
for my weblog to prove I do technical things outside
of work (plz hire me!).

So why phlog? And _what_ to phlog? I phlog because I
think gopher is cool and I want to support the ecosystem
with fresh content. I suppose going forward I'll try to
phlog things I think would be of less interest to my
blog readers (read: few friends) but are still public
enough to feel comfortable sharing?

It's a fine line for sure between wanting readership
(publishing on a more accessible medium like HTTP) and
wanting the cozy community (gopher) and wanting
total privacy (journal).

I guess I at least share my weblog on my gopherhole
so it's not totally a one-or-the-other situation.

Anyways.. for any readers--why do you phlog instead
of blog? Do you ever wonder if your phlogging efforts
would be better spent on a blog?


For more context on the "hire me plz": I'm starting
to look around at jobs, and while the initial intention
of my blog was never to put it on my resume, I realize
that it's actually a great testament to my skillset
and interests.

Priorities change, I guess.
   <title>Been a While</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/016.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
Been a While
Fri Sep 23 00:04:50 EDT 2022

It's been a while since I've written a phlog.
Looks like 9 months or so.

It's always a pleasant surprise when software
can run untouched for so long; geomyidae has
proven to be a solid choice.

I haven't forgotten about the phlog, just life
got busy. In 2022 my job got increasingly
stressful (for reasons I may write about one day)
but also personal life had its rewarding moments.

I proposed to Jennie on 2022-08-20 (she said yes!)
on top of Mt. Lincoln in the White Mountains on
an overnight backpacking trip. I love her and can't
imagine a future without her. Wedding planning is
proving to be somewhat of a drag (who knew how
expensive they were?) but we'll figure it out.
The future beyond the wedding is more exciting--
a house, kids, one day retirement. It feels all
so far away and ever so close all at the same

Here's to us, as we say <3
   <title>Add Context to Your Notes</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/015.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
Add Context to Your Notes
Sat Dec 11 04:15:51 PM EST 2021

My dad found an old USB from 2014 that was mine. I had
given it to someone with some mp3's that I thought
they'd like, but it was at first a mystery as to who
it was.

There was a README.rtf, which I was able to salvage
via GNU unRTF (shoulda used plaintext!), and the USB
itself was UMass (my alma mater) branded, so I had a
rough idea of when I received the USB... but the
full context was woefully lacking from the README.

Fortunately, the modification times on the files indicated
it was my brother's birthday--a dead giveaway; but I
couldn't help but feel I got lucky this time around.

Mod-times are notoriously easy to break as we move
files between devices, back them up, etc. It occurred
to me how important it is to keep crucial context
(who was this for, when was it written, etc) in the
note itself, and not rely on external systems
(filesystem info, word-of-mouth, memory) to stand up
to time.

Do your future self a favor: Add Context to your Notes!

In vi(m), it's easy to add a date. Just:

   :r !date

And carry on with your writing.
   <title>Screen Time</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/014.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
Screen Time
Tue Nov 30 23:42:47 EST 2021

When I was a kid, my parents had the concept of "screen time".
The rules were simple:

1. No "screen time" before sundown
2. Limited total screen time for the day (maybe a couple hrs)

We didn't have TV, so this really just meant no time on the
computer or watching movies.

I was reminiscing about this recently, and thinking about the
great irony that is screen time in my adult life as a paid
programmer. I would wager I spend upwards of 10-12 hours looking
at screens every day on an average work day. A bit of time
scrolling the news on my phone before work, a 8-9hr workday
(fully remote -> meetings are screens), and then "couch time"
hobby coding and watching shows if Jennie and I don't otherwise
have a social commitment (most work nights).

Sometimes we give our eyes a break and play a board game, do
a puzzle, or read a book; but even if I spent no time on screens
outside of work, it'd be a shocking number of hours at a screen
each week.

When did I transition from such limited computer-time to such
a screen-full day? It probably started with high school, when
we started having homework on computers. Limiting screen time
became "limited video game time" and less-so about screens.

Regardless of when it happened, I've been wanting to get back
some of that offline time recently. I definitely find it
improves my mood and outlook on work and life.

I need to get outside more :)
   <title>Gopher-First Feeds</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/013.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
Gopher-First Feeds
Thu Nov 25 00:05:30 EST 2021

The original reason for this post was to follow up on
my previous post, "Adding a Feed for the Phlog" [1], in
which I discussed the decision to keep the Atom feed
itself only available on gopher (at the risk of limiting
the number of clients that can read it). I wanted to
broadcast that I've settled on sfeed(1) and sfeed_curses(1)
as a feed reader with gopher support (due to using
curl(1) as the default fetcher, which supports gopher).

As I wrote this though, I realized I observed something
more interesting to discuss about feeds--just like
gopher specifies the menu format as part of the protocol
(and thus makes all user interaction the same between
gopherholes), feed readers are able to present a
universal interface to many different blogs, which
is so cool. I know some people put a lot of effort into
their styling, but it's really enjoyable to read the
sfeed_content(1) dumps of the articles all from the
same client. Just like I know exactly what to expect
when I visit a gopherhole, each new feed item is
familiar in its presentation.

Maybe it's just me, but there's a bit of comfort in
browsing without surprises.

[1]: gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/010.txt
   <title>Optimizing for Archival</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/012.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
Optimizing for Archival
Sun Nov 21 13:56:35 EST 2021

Written on my desktop while Jennie mod-podge's the puzzle
we put together last weekend for framing.

If you've read any of my previous posts, it's no secret that
one of the reasons I'm really enjoying phlogging is the
plaintext content. I wanted to call out one of my favorite
side-effects of plaintext entries: ease of archiving.

Browsing gopherspace, it's clear that plaintext is among the
most suitable formats for long term storage. Look at quux.org's
treasure trove of historical documents. Or all of the IETF
RFC's. Plain ascii-encoded files seem to be a guaranteed way
to ensure your content is not only readable in the future,
but easy to archive for that future.

This is actually one of my biggest beefs with mdoc(7). It's
a great semantic language, but it's not really that legible
in its raw form. It's a safe bet for archival--given that so
much of our historical manuals are written in it, it seems
that interpreters like mandoc(1) will be around for a while;
however, it's still dependent on external tools for proper

Same with HTML--you need a browser or interpreter to read it.

I think this is one of the strengths of markdown--even in a
post-HTML future, the markdown source will be archived and
readable. However, I kind-of like explicitly scoping the
content to _just_ ascii and not focusing on *any* other
presentation format other than the source. It's all too common
to get markdown files that are illegible because the author
cares more about the way GitHub renders it than the way
it looks in an editor (unwrapped lines, massive amounts of
image URLs, non-prettified tables, etc).

I take comfort knowing I'll be able to `cat` this file
two decades from now and still remember what I was thinking :)
   <title>Lowering Barriers to Writing</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/011.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
Lowering Barriers to Writing
Sun Nov 21 10:21:16 EST 2021

Sipping coffee and listening to Psychedelic Swamp on the
turntable while Jennie shops online for plants as presents.

When I moved from mdoc(7) over HTTP to plaintext over Gopher,
the barrier to writing became much smaller. No longer did I
have to look up the mdoc man page while writing, nor did I
have to check how it looked in multiple formats (HTML and
ASCII). There were also psychological barriers too--a phlog
has less traffic, and the traffic here is maybe less judgey.
I feel I can be a bit more open in my writing and worry about
the phrasing less.

I wanted to make it even easier to "just start writing", so
I wrote a small shell script "phlog(1)" that:

 1. Takes a title
 2. Starts a new entry at the next NNN.txt file available
 3. Prepopulates the entry with the title and date
 4. Updates the phlog index to include the entry

It's in gopher://alexkarle.com/1/code, but I wanted to include
it here too, just because I expect it'll morph over time and
I want to document the MVP!

Some things learned:

- `$(())` for arithmetic returns the result, so to avoid
 executing a number, prefix it with the null operation `:`

- ed(1) is awesome for programmatic edits to files

--- phlog(1) ---

# phlog -- lowering the barrier to phlogging
# see gopher://alexkarle.com/phlog/011.txt
die() {
   echo "$*"
   exit 1

[ -z "$1" ] && die "usage: phlog TITLE"

PHLOG=$(dirname "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")")/phlog

nextfile() {
   file=$(printf "%03d.txt" $i)
   : $((i+=1))

underline="$(echo "$title" | sed 's/./-/g')"

while [ -e "$PHLOG/$file" ]; do

echo "$title" >"$PHLOG/$file"
echo "$underline" >>"$PHLOG/$file"
date >>"$PHLOG/$file"

ed  "$PHLOG/index.gph" <<EOM
/^\[0|Atom Feed/+a
[0|[$(date +%F)] $title|/phlog/$file|server|port]


exec "${EDITOR:-vi}" "$PHLOG/$file"
   <title>Adding a Feed for the Phlog</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/010.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
Adding a Feed to the Phlog
Wed Nov 17 00:21:20 EST 2021

Quick entry to mark a new milestone for the phlog
--an atom feed!

This was a pretty simple adaptation of my genatom
script originally described on the blog post
use-feeds(7) [1]. It just parses index.gph for
lines that have the [[Date] Title|path...] format
and spits out the right XML.

Potentially the most interesting decision here
wasn't actually the crafting of the feed, but
rather whether to serve the feed over Gopher
exclusively or HTTP and Gopher.

The argument for HTTP is that most feed
reader clients can't handle gopher://--I know for
sure newsboat doesn't. So by putting it on HTTP,
it could at least be read by a wider audience...

I ended up choosing to keep it gopher-only, since
this is, after all, "gopher exclusive content" :)
I'll find or build a feed reader that can handle

The source for the gophatom.sh generator can be
found in the "code" section of this gopherhole [2]

[1]: https://alexkarle.com/use-feeds.html
[2]: gopher://alexkarle.com/1/code
   <title>Going Live on the Weblog</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/009.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
Going Live on the Weblog
Mon Nov 15 00:00:23 EST 2021

Tonight I made the decision to merge my phlog repo in with
my alexkarle.com repo and announce the phlog on my blog. I
had previously kept the repos separate to make it truly
exclusive (i.e. no git history on the WWW), but that felt
like a pain for not much gain (if anyone is motivated enough
to look at the git history, they've put in more effort than
going to a gopher proxy).

The announcement was for two reasons:

 1. Raise awareness of Gopher
 2. Deprecate text.alexkarle.com

With this gopherhole serving up the same content and more,
text.alexkarle.com didn't feel super necessary anymore.

If anyone's reading this from my blog announcment, welcome!
   <title>Choosing a Phormat pt. 4</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/008.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
Choosing a Phormat: pt 4 -- The Great Split
Thu Nov 11 22:38:24 EST 2021

Ok ok, hopefully this is the last post on this
topic, I know it's been QUITE the series. As a
refresher I went from:

1. A single gophermap as a blog
2. A single text file
3. Analyzing the differences

And now I'm here in part 4 to tell you that the
future of this phlog is multiple files.


1. Linkability -- I want to be able to share an
  individual post!
2. Syndication -- individual URI's enable an RSS
3. Bandwidth-friendly -- of course my phlog.txt
  was NOWHERE near the JS bloat that is the
  modern web (and probably never will be), but
  small files are faster!

So here we are!

I briefly toyed with the thought of putting the
titles in the URI, for example:


But, I ended up deciding that the title doesn't
add too much value to end users. I kinda like the
XKCD-like (or RFC-like) style of just using a
number :)

   <title>Choosing a Phormat pt. 3</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/007.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
Choosing a Phormat pt. 3                   [2021-11-11]

Keeping the title the same to hopefully make it easier
to get threads going between posts...

I wanted to callout an interesting observation I read
on the gemini FAQ [1] about text vs menu content
serving. The observation is that menus are appealing
because they allow hyperlinking (with restrictions,
like way outdated content types); however, using a
menu that is largely text (`i` info types) is a
_really_ inefficient way to serve up content, due
to the phony selectors and hostnames that come with

As a practical example, this phlog.txt, including
this post, is 7396 bytes, but if it was served as
a *.gph file, it becomes 11131 bytes! That's 1.5x
the size (~1/3 overhead)!

This is also discussed a bit on the gemlog of
mozz.us [2], which describes the history of `i`.
`i` isn't part of the original RFC, and it _seems_
that the original gopher team weren't thrilled to
add it. Of course, `i` won out over plain menus
because people like to see a little context... but
the "pure" gopher way would be to put said context
in a file named ABOUT and be done with it!

I think this is all interesting because people are
making some really cool gopher apps out of the
menu format (like stagit-gopher, for instance).
But maybe this is the wrong way to go about things?
in the sense that it would benefit from a more
flexible format, like text/gemini...

Anyways, to go full circle, this revelation about
phony selectors reaffirmed my decision to use
a plaintext file instead of a gopher menu for this

It's an interesting hypothetical though--is
Gopher as useful without `i`? Does the lack of
MIME types hinder its future adoption?

It does still serve well as a plaintext delivery
system, IMHO. And this phlog is a lot of that :)

[1]: https://gemini.circumlunar.space/docs/faq.gmi
[2]: https://portal.mozz.us/gemini/mozz.us/journal/2021-05-27.gmi
   <title>What's in a RFC?</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/006.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
What's in a RFC?                           [2021-11-10]

I've always idealized the RFC process of the IETF as
a way to effectively run a distributed project. And
it is, but it's *way* more complex and intricate than
I originally thought. This note serves to share some
of my findings.

The biggest surprise was that RFC's can't just be
published. You have to send them to the "RFC Editor"!
This person can make minor edits and, at their
discretion, broadcast the document. When the process
first started, these were physical documents!

RFC's begin life as Internet Drafts, where they are
iterated on, but there's no guarantee you _do_ get
published as an RFC (let alone an Internet Standard).

And I suppose that's the disconnect between what I
envisioned (mailing list participants just asking for
feedback) and what reality is (a formal process with
a publisher, with gated entry). It's both "open" in
the sense that the publications can be redistributed,
but "closed" in the sense that the Editor decides
what makes the cut. It feels less community-oriented
than I expected; more formal.

Just my 2c.
   <title>Server Migration</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/005.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
Server Migration                           [2021-11-07]

I moved from gophernicus(8) to geomyidae(8) tonight.
It was relatively painless, with a bit of lift to
replicate the "*" directory-indexing feature of
the gophernicus gophermap files (I had to write my
own directory-to-gph tool and cat it to index.gph).

Of course, I _could_ have used dynamic CGI, but it
feels a bit safer NOT to allow the daemon to spawn
other programs :)

As a funny aside--I was previously championing
gopher's "lack of a markup language" by using
plaintext for content.. the truth is uglier than that:
all servers have their OWN markup for the menu
files that have become core to the gopher experience.
So, migrating servers becomes more of a pain than
just changing the config file.

In fact, the lack of a standardized markup is the
reason I had to migrate in the first place!
gophernicus doesn't support geomyidae *.gph, which
is what stagit-gopher outputs...

Maybe the Gemini people are onto something--specify
the markup AND the protocol.. hmmm

I suppose one could always use canonical-only gopoher
and not embed info (`i`) lines/just have the daemon
auto-list... but that's no fun!

P.S. the gopherhole is available over TLS now!
   <title>Launch Plan</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/004.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
Launch Plan                                [2021-11-06]

Thinking about announcing my phlog on my blog.. and
maybe even moving it here. What would it take to
get there?

* Git mirroring via stagit-gopher
 - requires a server change to geomyidae
* TLS support

The latter seems pretty new.. I'll have to see if its
standardized enough for it to be a reasonable expectation
that clients will support the implementation.
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/003.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
Momentum                                   [2021-11-04]

I've been serving _something_ over gopher since February
2021 [1], but in these past couple days this gopherhole
has gone from 0 to 100 realll quick.

Once I started putting real gopher-exclusive content
here, I kept wanting to add more! The latest motivation
is using gopher as a simple access protocol to a plaintext
"second brain" (notetaking system).

So, the repo that houses my gopherhole now has a "notes"
directory, and I wrote a small "notetag" script that
parses the "^tags:" directive in the files, generates
a directory-per-tag, symlinks the notes into the dirs,
and then outputs a gophermap index of the files!

This was a ton of fun, and of course urged me to add my
next piece of content--a "code" section of the hole to
share "notetag", which I'm unreasonably proud of :)

So there you have it--in 24 hrs we went from phlogless
to phlog + code + notes... only time will tell if I keep
up the publishing, but for now I'm having fun!

[1]: https://git.alexkarle.com/alexkarle.com/commit/cf670de12685a94e7a53f0a126ae77cbf548cf91.html
   <title>Choosing a Phormat pt. 2</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/002.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
Choosing a Phormat pt. 2                   [2021-11-03]

And immediately after publishing as a gophermap, I
realized that the '----' heading is being interpreted
as "remove the '-------' file from the file listing.
So that's fun.

Looks like we're back to "single text file". Ain't
nuthin wrong with that I suppose. Just no linking to
other resources... hmmm. Maybe I should check out a
different gopher server.

On second thought, the appeal of gopher was that I
*dont* have to write or learn a new markup flavor...
yeah plaintext it is!
   <title>Choosing a Phormat</title>
   <link rel="alternate" href="gopher://alexkarle.com/0/phlog/001.txt"/>
   <content type="text">
Choosing a Phormat                         [2021-11-03]

Hello phlog!

For right now, I think I'm gonna prepend entries onto
the gophermap for the phlog directory. While half the
appeal of gopher is that it serves up plaintext as-is,
I think having the ability to link to othe documents
might come in handy. So... the menu is the phlog. Is
that backwards? We'll see.