This Gopherhole as a Time Capsule
Thu Jan  5 22:51:54 EST 2023

.. or "Alex Justifies Spending Time on the Gopherhole"

Remember being in elementary school, when you would
write a letter to your future self, seal it, and the
teachers would hold it for when you graduated?

I've been thinking a lot recently about this gopherhole
and how I want it to grow in the future, and I think
a large part of that will be thinking of it as a
"time capsule" for my future self.

There are some parts of the gopherhole that are "living"
and have direct benefit today:

* The phlog helps me process my thoughts through writing

* The notes section helps me easily fetch helpful tidbits

But recently I got excited about documenting the rules
for a few of my favorite card games [1] (with some house rules
and strategy tips). And in the middle of doing so I was
struck by the fact that (1) this was taking longer than
I thought it would and (2) I don't have an audience that
would benefit from it and (3) I won't benefit from writing
them down right now.

My realization was: since all the content is in plaintext,
it should last decades, and I _will_ benefit from revisiting
these in 30+ years.

I haven't heard this concept discussed much (websites as a
time capsule). Probably because it costs money to host a site
why would you pay for 30 years of hosting if you don't plan
on using it :) But for gopherholes I think it may be a good

So even if no one finds this (and I hope someone does--these
are fun games!), I'm excited to revisit them in the decades
to come.

[1]: gopher://