Lowering Barriers to Writing
Sun Nov 21 10:21:16 EST 2021

Sipping coffee and listening to Psychedelic Swamp on the
turntable while Jennie shops online for plants as presents.

When I moved from mdoc(7) over HTTP to plaintext over Gopher,
the barrier to writing became much smaller. No longer did I
have to look up the mdoc man page while writing, nor did I
have to check how it looked in multiple formats (HTML and
ASCII). There were also psychological barriers too--a phlog
has less traffic, and the traffic here is maybe less judgey.
I feel I can be a bit more open in my writing and worry about
the phrasing less.

I wanted to make it even easier to "just start writing", so
I wrote a small shell script "phlog(1)" that:

 1. Takes a title
 2. Starts a new entry at the next NNN.txt file available
 3. Prepopulates the entry with the title and date
 4. Updates the phlog index to include the entry

It's in gopher://alexkarle.com/1/code, but I wanted to include
it here too, just because I expect it'll morph over time and
I want to document the MVP!

Some things learned:

- `$(())` for arithmetic returns the result, so to avoid
 executing a number, prefix it with the null operation `:`

- ed(1) is awesome for programmatic edits to files

--- phlog(1) ---

# phlog -- lowering the barrier to phlogging
# see gopher://alexkarle.com/phlog/011.txt
die() {
   echo "$*"
   exit 1

[ -z "$1" ] && die "usage: phlog TITLE"

PHLOG=$(dirname "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")")/phlog

nextfile() {
   file=$(printf "%03d.txt" $i)
   : $((i+=1))

underline="$(echo "$title" | sed 's/./-/g')"

while [ -e "$PHLOG/$file" ]; do

echo "$title" >"$PHLOG/$file"
echo "$underline" >>"$PHLOG/$file"
date >>"$PHLOG/$file"

ed  "$PHLOG/index.gph" <<EOM
/^\[0|Atom Feed/+a
[0|[$(date +%F)] $title|/phlog/$file|server|port]


exec "${EDITOR:-vi}" "$PHLOG/$file"