Server Migration                           [2021-11-07]

I moved from gophernicus(8) to geomyidae(8) tonight.
It was relatively painless, with a bit of lift to
replicate the "*" directory-indexing feature of
the gophernicus gophermap files (I had to write my
own directory-to-gph tool and cat it to index.gph).

Of course, I _could_ have used dynamic CGI, but it
feels a bit safer NOT to allow the daemon to spawn
other programs :)

As a funny aside--I was previously championing
gopher's "lack of a markup language" by using
plaintext for content.. the truth is uglier than that:
all servers have their OWN markup for the menu
files that have become core to the gopher experience.
So, migrating servers becomes more of a pain than
just changing the config file.

In fact, the lack of a standardized markup is the
reason I had to migrate in the first place!
gophernicus doesn't support geomyidae *.gph, which
is what stagit-gopher outputs...

Maybe the Gemini people are onto something--specify
the markup AND the protocol.. hmmm

I suppose one could always use canonical-only gopoher
and not embed info (`i`) lines/just have the daemon
auto-list... but that's no fun!

P.S. the gopherhole is available over TLS now!