Choosing a Phormat: pt 4 -- The Great Split
Thu Nov 11 22:38:24 EST 2021

Ok ok, hopefully this is the last post on this
topic, I know it's been QUITE the series. As a
refresher I went from:

1. A single gophermap as a blog
2. A single text file
3. Analyzing the differences

And now I'm here in part 4 to tell you that the
future of this phlog is multiple files.


1. Linkability -- I want to be able to share an
  individual post!
2. Syndication -- individual URI's enable an RSS
3. Bandwidth-friendly -- of course my phlog.txt
  was NOWHERE near the JS bloat that is the
  modern web (and probably never will be), but
  small files are faster!

So here we are!

I briefly toyed with the thought of putting the
titles in the URI, for example:


But, I ended up deciding that the title doesn't
add too much value to end users. I kinda like the
XKCD-like (or RFC-like) style of just using a
number :)
