OFFLFIRSOCH 2024 round up

It's the first of April, which means two things!  One, you should
believe even fewer things you read online than usual.  And two, the
historic first ever OFFLine FIRst SOftware CHallenge has now drawn
to a close.  I had no idea what sort of uptake to expect for this
new challenge, given that it necessarily targets a smaller audience
(not everybody who phlogs/gemlogs also codes), but I am happy to
report that OFFLFIRSOCH was welcomed with enthusiasm despite the
awful name!  I am aware of a total of twelve submisions.  If I have
missed or forgotten your submission, please reach out to me!  EDIT: Now up to thirteen!

I am really, really trying (and mostly failing) to spend the bare
minimum amount of time at the computer this Easter long weekend,
so here is a simple link dump to all the OFFLFIRSOCH entries that
I know of, in alphabetical order of author's name/handle.  A proper
ROOPHLOCH-style archive section in my Gopherhole will appear in the
very near future[14], as well as a slightly more detailed summary
post with some thoughts and observations (and if you haven't heard
anything back to your submission email yet, that will happen too,
I promise!).

Thanks to everybody who participated and made OFFLFIRSOCH 2024
a success!  I'm already looking forward to next year's challenge.

* New sundog Bandali wrote a time and date converter with some nice
 interfaces [1]
* Eoin wrote a tool to estimate distance, flight time and carbon cost
 of flying certain routes [2]
* Frank Seifferth wrote a PDF combiner [3]
* The Free Thinker wrote a (technically qualifying!) tool to track
 their data usage [4]
* Lettuce wrote a number of "fish function" wrappers around existing
 tools to make them easier to interact with [5]
* Matto used the recutils tool to replace Goodreads, then deleted their
 account! [6]
* Matograine wrote a tool for URL en/decoding from the command line [7]
* Morgana wrote a rot13 en/decoder and substitution cipher breaker [8]
* Sébastien Mouchet wrote, amusingly, a web page which works offline
 for planning meetings across timezones [9]
* Olivier modified their existing Go module documentation tool to make
 it useful offline [10]
* Rmgr wrote a random journal prompt provider [11]
* Solderpunk wrote a tool for checking times in and distances between
 cities [12]
* Screwtape wrote a tool for storing MOO game room states as LISP
 structs [13]

[1] gopher://
[2] gemini://
[4] gopher://
[5] gemini://
[6] gopher://
[8] gemini://
[9] gemini://
[10] gemini://
[11] gopher://
[12] gopher://
[13] gopher://
[14] gopher://