
Solderpunk started a new kind of challenge, called


You can read about it here:

The idea is to replace a third party service you use in the cloud by
something offline.

Many years ago I started using to keep a list
of books to read, and of books I had read.

Books to read
Next, I realized that keeping a list of books to read is insane. Such
a list grows quickly, making it impossible to keep up. Books should be
read when you are ready for them. The book you choose as your next
read must reflect your present mood and interest.

Reading has an impact on your thinking, therefore it's important to be
critical and plan a bit ahead.

Books I have read
Keeping a list of books I have read seems more valuable.
It helps to be sure when you doubt about having read a book
or not.

GNU recutils
I have exported my data from, which results in a CSV
file. From this I created a GNU recutils recfile, containing the books
I have read. The recfile records the title, the author, the
publication year, the number of pages, the date I finished the book,
and my rating --from 1 to 5 stars.

I didn't record the latest book I finished in, but
solely in the GNU recfile.

Today I have deleted my account at Goodreads. So there is no
turning back :)

Thanks to solderpunk!
Thanks to solderpunk for his greatly named challenge, and for keeping
us sharp!


Last edited: $Date: 2024/03/23 20:58:10 $