# Flu on Time for Vacations // 18-7-29

Friday, my vacation with the family started, and right on time
on Saturday morning, I got some running nose, pressure in the
sinus caverns (or whatever it would be called correctly -- I'm
too tired to care about accurate language, I beg your pardon),
and coughing. So I'll probably insert a day off of family duties
tomorrow, while my wife goes to the zoo with our boys. Did I
ever mention she's great?

I wanted to continue my various articles and projects about
Morse/CW, but I'm too lazy and tired, so there's only this little
writing bit.

Happy to see more people from SDF also having a presence on C.S!
In view of redundancy, we not only need alternatives to the
corporate walled gardens, but for "underground/hacker" sites as well.

C.S for sure does not feel so worn down as its fictional cousin!
Time to thank solderpunk again for jumping into the adventure!
