# Re: sloum, kids // 18-11-17

[sloum][1] wrote about thoughts concerning their growing child.
First of all, best wishes and happiness for your family, and good luck!

It's a fascinating journey ahead. I got the impression children show a
lot of your traits, just not those or the way you would have expected. ^-^

And thanks for those three lines of poem: made me feel warm in my heart!
My wife is away today, visiting her cousin this evening.
I hope she'll safely return home. I just lit a candle for her outside
on the porch. The kids finally fell asleep, after a long "men's evening".
Now the cat's unhappy for me caressing the keyboard instead of him.
Well, someone always has to be the poorest guy!

I just noticed I wrote 26 posts on C.S, changing index from za to yz.
On average, this results in a bit more than one week per post, and so
my estimation from post `zx*` still holds true. Long time to go! ^-^


[1]: gopher://circumlunar.space:70/0/~sloum/phlog/20181115-20.txt