# Joking about Others // 19-1-18

visiblink has a [post][1] about the Democratization of Discrimination,
arguing (at least in my understanding)
that making jokes about somebody's opinions might be ok,
but not about their appearance.

I've got similar feelings, but I wondered why this is so.
Do we assume opinions and personal viewpoints are conciously
chosen and modifiable, whereas appearance is not?

But then, if I think my opponent simply is dumb and not
able to see The Truth, I should assume they did not choose
their opinion, but it was forced upon them by their mental
inability, and therefore it qualifies for the same "protection"
as their appearance.

On the other hand, if my opponent has a big red nose and is
a wealthy man, he could afford cosmetic surgery and might be
able to change it, so I should be allowed to ridicule him?

Therefore unless they prove it is medically impossible, I
may make jokes at will about the appearance of wealthy people
but not poor ones? Isn't that discriminating rich people?

I personally would prefer that we can say whatever we like,
and therefore also say without fear of legal consequences
that a comedian making jokes about disabled people simply
is an asshole.

Yes I know, that's kind of libertarian, but the alternatives
do not seem desirable to me. They're mostly fodder for lawyers,
which is another topic, though.


[1]: gopher://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space:70/0/~visiblink/phlog/20190117