# Plans That Probably Will Fail Spectacularly // 19-12-23

So many things I'd like to do...

As I have too much spare time *hahaha* I offered myself a small Arduino
breadbord starter kit. I have some ideas, mostly turning around Morse
code, which initially (i.e several years ago...) I wanted to try out with
PIC microcontrollers, but feeling that this train has left already, I plan
to switch to something newer like Arduino. At least the box is just the
size of a book, and so will nicely fit into the pile of unread stuff! ^-^

I've been reactivating the old and big Grundig FM/AM/SSB receiver I
"inherited" from my wife's ex-husband -- man, I don't understand that
guy, he abandoned all the good things in life!! ^-^ I forgot to look up
the type of the receiver, but anyway it was one of my dreams I had over
thirty years ago when starting into the world of shortwaves.  I've put it
onto my newly installed desk (we renovated our house and rearranged use,
for our boys to have their own rooms now), and it has a wonderful sound,
except that when changing volume, there's some noise from the oxidised
potentiometer (I suppose); but with renewed use, that should improve.

I also found some books I intended to read since ages. They're mostly
German though, so I'd first need to look up the name of English
translation (if existing) for this audience here.

At least I managed to get my grex plog running (see previous post),
and the git-hooked version seems to work rather well. I may even use it
for some work-based newsletter/blog, if I get to start this.

Something else that now seems to work is our new fireplace at home.
It's an oven by Skantherm, with a window towards the front and the side,
fully closed. Initially, it did not want to always start well, and one
time we even had half of the house filled with smoke. The installation
technician apparently did not fully understand the device, because when I
finally took the time and things in my own hands, I found the disk beneath
the grid mounted the wrong way, which resulted in its vent openings being
moved out of phase with those in the lateral venting of the upper part
of the fireplace. Therefore, the fire either got fresh air from below or
the side, but never both.  Another proof for the rule that you should try
to understand always everything you own. At least it's not a smart oven!
