# Call for the roff Issue // 24-1-24

starpuppies, moonbitches, sundogs,
for the roff issue of the circumlunar transmissions,
i'm inviting you to send me your contributions.

it could be anything that goes well with the theme of roff&co:
raw [g|n|t]roff input, your engineering eqn gems, tbl inventories
of hacker tools, pic explanations of geopolitical interactions,
plain text poems, or even graphical backgrounds or decorations
you would like to contribute for the issue's layout.

and if you like to submit your works formatted as markdown,
gemini capsules, handcrafted postscript or TTY tapes, i'll do
my best to include the contents as undisturbed as possible --
but i reserve the right to act as benevolent dicteditor. ^-^

the final product shall not only be a collection of entertaining
litterature, but also a set of tools to facilitate further
editions of the transmissions, using the old and reliable tools
from the unix writer's workbench.

how to submit: to [email protected] (or direct local) as
direct input, or with links to a git clone of the transmission's
repository or gemini/gopher/web sources under your control, but
you may of course use any other means you know for reaching me.

however, i suggest you first contact me just by telling me
you're interested and perhaps what rough^Wroff idea you've got;
this will allow me to keep track of your interest and to better
schedule and plan for handling input -- of course that won't be
any obligation from your side, and you can always feel free to
drop out if more important things start to interfere.

thanks, and looking forward to your creative endeavours! -yargo