Waiting on charcoal (zaibatsu.circumlunar.space), 04/24/2020
I know very  little about cooking with charcoal, but  I know that last
time I tried, everything tasted bad because I didn't wait long enough.
So, here I am, waiting longer this time. I figured I'd write something
real quick, even if we're just  cooking hotdogs tonight. We would have
made a fire in  the pit, but it rained today and the  wood is all wet.
We just use black walnut branches  that fall from the trees (hey, they
have to  go somewhere). Charcoal  isn't nearly as interesting,  but we
can do that under the back patio roof.

Or is it a porch? Not, it's a  deck. Maybe it's also a patio or porch,
I don't want to look in the dictionary right now.

I managed to get draft 5 of the  book finished today. I sent it off to
a friend  to read. If  you like  to read and  you're not married  to a
particular genre,  email me and  I'll send you  a copy. I'm  trying to
work the bugs out  while I write book 2/3, then I'll  put them both on
Amazon at the  same time. I'd try to get  a literary agent interested,
but their virtue signaling scares me.  I just want to write fiction, I
don't want to re-write humanity  or champion social justice. It's just
a story. That's OK, Amazon is the big scary retailer anyway.

There  are two  letters I  need to  write, but  I've been  avoiding it
because I'm lazy. Sorry to you both, if you're reading this.

The family  is upstairs watching  Phantom of the Opera,  the somewhat
recent movie  version (2004), not  the play.  I really like  the diva
Carlotta in that version, played by Minnie Driver, she's hilarious.

Apparently I'm getting older, if 2004 feels somewhat recent.

Watched several really odd 80's movies recently. Two stand out:

"The Peanut Butter Solution" Explorers"

I can  only recommend  the first,  because it's  bizarre enough  to be
funny. Explorers is OK because of  the retro computing vibe, but it is
trying a little  too hard to be normal. The  Peanut Butter Solution is
just plain nuts. And, it's Canadian, so there's that.

Ok, time  to check  that charcoal... take  care of  yourselves, fellow