Palm pilot fun, (zaibatsu), 10/10/2019
A  while back  I found  a Palm  IIIc at  a thrift  store for
$0.50.  I  bought it,  of  course.  It had  the  interesting
distinction of having Japanese  characters in the silk area,
but the  ROM was  English. It  charged up  fine, it  holds a
charge for a ridiculously long amount of time, and otherwise
Just Works(TM).

I gave it to my youngest son to play with, because he showed
an interest. I figured he'd get  bored of it and I'd reclaim
it at some point. However, he still finds it fascinating. He
pulled it  out last night, and  noticed that he had  let the
battery die all the way since  last time he used it. All his
programs were  gone. We  beamed a few  over things  (I don't
have a cable  or cradle for the IIIc,  otherwise he'd manage
it himself), and away he went.

For a  variety of reasons,  it's fun  to watch him  have fun
with the little piece of tech that's older than he is.