Killing some time                                             11/15/23
I'm sitting in the basement of a church. It's a baptist church, but it
doesn't much matter  in the context of this post.  It's a Tuesday, and
my son is attending  a game night for his home  school group. The lady
organizing it is  a member of this church, and  they're kind enough to
let us use their space.

They have  wifi here,  the network is  named "Freshwater".  There's no
password and no  active portal, you just connect and  use the network.
Apparently it's  left over from  the congregation  that used to  be in
this building. No one  ever got rid of it. They  have their own access
point with  a password and  such, but  they leave this  Freshwater one
running too. Maybe they don't know where it is?

There  are a  bunch of  teenage guys  here, two  moms, and  myself. No
teenage gals  showed up, perhaps to  the chagrin of the  teenage guys,
but I don't know. They seem  happy enough. Maybe it's easier this way,
no one has to put on a show.  Heck, they never have put on a show that
I could see anyway. But maybe...

I  say basement,  but  it's  really just  the  lower  level. It's  not
cave-like or anything,  though the ceiling is a little  low. It's well
lit, there's a big seating area down  here for meals it appears, and a
kitchen, a  few hallways  with classes and  bathrooms, and  a drinking

Perhaps it goes without saying, but the two moms are chatting, and I'm
sitting here. One of the moms is my wife, so it's not as awkward as it
could be, but  I'm kind of the  odd man out. I didn't  sleep well last
night, so I'm  really tired, and the lights are  making my eyes water.
Maybe I  look emotional, who  knows. I  don't feel emotional.  My left
lower eyelid  is twitching,  and has  been for a  couple days.  I read
online  that stress  can cause  that, and  dry eyes,  and a  few other
things. I'm not supposed to be concerned it seems, and I'm not.

Last night was odd. We were going  to watch a movie with the kids, but
the kids  didn't like the movie  we picked and they  ended up watching
Anastasia, the 90's animated film. I wasn't interested, so I made some
wassail. It  wasn't quite  strong enough  (probably didn't  steep long
enough), so I added a bag of herbal tea to mine, a blend called Bengal
Spice. It  has a lot  of cinnamon. I  feel like, for  whatever reason,
that drinking this wassail/tea blend right  before bed made it hard to
fall asleep last night. I usually don't have trouble sleeping, falling
asleep or staying asleep.

My original  plan, for  this event,  was to  turn on  vnc and  do some
remote ham radio  on my system at  home. I started up  the server, but
something isn't  right and  I can't  connect. It's  not the  janky old
network, as I also can't connect on my phone's data. And so, here I am
on gopher, sharing useless information about minutia. Who knows, maybe
it's  not useless.  Maybe minutia  is  OK sometimes,  and big,  grand,
important things are tiresome if they're always the focus?

As part of her conversation, my wife just said that she felt like this
year was the first normal year after the pandemic. Is she right? Where
we live, they never really got too extreme with precautions, mandates,
and  the like.  They tried,  but  no one  cared,  and so  much of  the
pandemic was  a lot of signs  and requests. Somethings did  change, of
course,  but those  haven't changed  back.  Maybe she  just meant  the
general feeling. I  won't interrupt, the stream  of their conversation
is more rapid than what I'm doing here even.

A couple evenings ago, I took my  two boys to a soccer complex west of
the time that  I live in. There's a municipal  airport out there, it's
very  flat and  open. My  youngest  son likes throwing boomerangs  out
there, and I sometimes do a 2M  ham radio net from that location. This
last weekend,  we played a  game called  Kubb. Fun game, throwing wood
batons at wood blocks. I destroyed my two sons in game one, the second
game went on  until we had to  leave, and we called it  in their favor
(they had the most kubbs on their field).

The one  thing I don't  like about that  soccer complex is,  there are
vehicles that  will come and  just park and  hang out there.  It's not
random, it's the same folks each time. One is a late model suv, white.
There's another one or two that are sometimes there. I don't know what
they're doing, but my guess is that they're selling drugs. They're not
there every time,  but often enough that it's obnoxious.  I'd call the
police, but what could  they do? It's not illegal to  park your car at
the park, after all. And they  can't just search cars because tfurrows
doesn't like  them. In  the end,  I just wear  a gun  when I  hand out
there.  Probably don't  need to,  of course,  but it  makes me  feel a
little more comfortable.

Well,  it's time  to  have  some of  those  nice  grapes that  someone
brought. Be well, gopher space. I hope your evening is wonderful.