On Bare Earth                                                 05/05/23
I like to walk  barefoot, at least in the yard. Have  for a long time.
Nothing extreme,  no barefoot  5K's or anything  like that,  just bare
feet on  the ground. The  beach too, when  I'm there. But  who doesn't
love that?

The other day,  I walked outside and noticed something:  the earth was
very warm. This was due to the spring weather, and sun, of course. But
it was the  first time I felt it  this season, and it made  me think a

Most of the time, I walk out  the door with shoes on. When I'm heading
out  into the  wide world,  to  the store,  or to  visit someone.  The
streets aren't  really the safest place  for the human foot,  and most
stores don't really  want hippies waltzing around the  place. When I'm
shod, I  really can't feel  how the old earth  is doing, at  all. It's
just a thing to walk on.

But when I'm not shod, the earth is a thing to check in with, to feel,
and to understand.

I haven't studied  the subject, nor do I know  what other people think
or  feel about  it. What  I know  is, I  walked out  there and  I felt
something  myself. That's  probably the  best way  to study  something
anyway, with your own bare feet. Or hands, or whatever.