WiFi in the forest

It's taken me longer than I planned to make
my own post for ROOPHLOC 2019[1], but here we
are at last.  Perhaps a little predictably, I
rode my bike the 10km to the forest where I
did my S24O[2].  I've brought with me my
little eeePC[3], still running OpenBSD 6.4.

I have to admit, I've fallen a little bit
into the trap of thinking of this place as
"my" forest.  This probably happened because
when I came here quite a few times during the
past winter[4], I was really surprised by the
fact that I never, ever saw another person
here the whole time.

But today, and when I was last here a few
weeks back, I've encountered people
collecting mushrooms.  Which is not
surprising given the time of year, but it has
shattered the illusion a little bit that this
is "my place".  But that's okay, is big
enough for more than one person.

It seems that I'll be moving to Sweden in
December or January (or, perhaps, during a
slow process spread across both months).  I
realise it sounds silly to start that
sentence with "it seems", like it's some kind
of weird natural phenomena which is happening
to me under external influence, something
that I have no control over.  Of course it's
something that I've played an active role in
causing to be true, but it kind of *feels*
like the former scenario.  The job offer was
sudden and unexpected.  I knew almost
immediately that it was something it made
sense, in the long term, to accept.  But
deciding to actually do it was a slow,
difficult process that feels in some sense
like it "just happened", without any kind of
decisive moment of resolution.

I sound very gloomy about the whole thing
above, but I am actually excited about the
change.  But I've enjoyed living in Finland
more than anywhere else I've called home
before, and I don't feel ready to move on
yet.  It's hard to say what I'll miss the
most, but this very forest that I'm in right
now is surely a top contender.  I feel very
strongly that I'd like to come back to visit
it from time to time.  It's not exactly far.

I had planned to do something a little more
technologically interesting, when it came to
actually uploading this post, but I've not
had the time so far this month to practice
it.  Maybe I can still pull it off next
weekend, but for now I'm about to turn on my
smartphone's wireless hotspot and scp this up
to the Zaibatsu.  Microwaves amongst the

[1] gopher://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space:70/0/~solderpunk/phlog/announcing-roophloch-2019.txt
[2] gopher://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space:70/0/~solderpunk/phlog/my-first-s24o.txt
[3] gopher://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space:70/0/~solderpunk/phlog/openbsd-on-an-eeepc-1005ha.txt
[4] gopher://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space:70/0/~solderpunk/phlog/visiting-my-s24o-site-in-the-snow.txt