Project Gemini

I'm a little worried about the content in this phlog becoming
dominated strongly by "meta gopher" discussion of new protocols and
stuff.  Especially because I know not everybody in the phlogosphere is
very interested in the idea.  However, I think I've definitely fallen
into a strange Dwarven mood[1] with regard to this idea, and I don't
want to drop it.

So, I've added a new section to my gopherhole[2] where I will put all
future stuff regarded to protocol design.  I have adopted the working
title of "Project Gemini".  I may well change this name in future, I
just wanted *something* to call it for now.  At the moment there's
nothing there beyond an FAQ[3], but before long some other stuff will
appear, including phlog posts, with responses to everybody's posts in
response to my recent three part epic.  Basically, it will be a
second, parallel phlog, of unknown duration.

If you've been enjoying and want to follow the new protocol
discussion, add the new section to your moku-pona feed and come along
for the ride.  If you don't care for the whole enterprise, just do
nothing and you can continue to read all my other phlog content right
here exactly as you have been.  I *promise* not to stop phlogging
about other things.  Expect stuff on photography, shortwave and
cycling in the near future!

[1] gopher://
[2] gopher://
[3] gopher://