I want to ride my bicycle

I bought a bike about a week and a half after arriving in Finland.  I've
*wanted* to use a bike to get around for years.  I think you'd have to be crazy
not to.  They are far cheaper than cars, far better for your health, far better
for the environment, and if you live in a city with terrible traffic congestion
(like, say, Auckland) perhaps actually a little faster during rush hour.  But in
Auckland I honestly felt that all of these benefits were outweighed by what I
perceived as a very non-negligible risk of bloody death, due to terrible traffic
congestion, appalingly designed roads and shockingly bad drivers.  In contrast,
it's such a normal and well-catered for thing here that all my objections
evaporated after a week of watching everybody else doing it.

The bike itself is nothing remotely special, a cheap second hand one that's
about as old as I am.  Steel frame, 3 speed internally-geared hub, rim brakes.
Not designed for anything other than rolling around town and definitely not
intended to go awfully fast or up or down steep slopes or rough terrain.
Nevertheless, I am *really* enjoying it.  I haven't ridden since I was a kid,
and the simple joy and freedom of it is really refreshing.  I'm also enjoying
geeking out learning the names for all the parts and how they work.  I'm already
tempted to replace some things, but really, given the age and condition of the
bike it probably makes no sense.  I'll ride this one until it falls apart, and
when/if that time comes see if I still care enough to do anything other than buy
another random cheapie.