Announcing ROOPHLOCH 2022

Long time no see, Gopherspace!

September is here again, bringing with it not only the hope of lower
temperatures for those of us suffering through recent heatwaves, but
also the fourth installment of the annual Remote Outdoor Off-grid
Phlogging Challenge, ROOPHLOCH 2022!

By now you likely know the drill: make a phlog post between September
1st and September 30th (inclusive, in your local time zone), while being
outside of any permanent man-made shelter and without plugging a
computing device into a wall for power or internet, then send an email
to [email protected] with a link to your post.  I will maintain a
page of links to all participating posts.

Participants will be listed in alphabetical order, not chronological.
ROOPHLOCH is not a race!  It is a challenge, one you make against
yourself.  Of course we all have other stuff going on in our lives, so
post however you can from wherever you can, but the spirit of ROOPHLOCH
is to get active and get creative, and make your post somewhere far from
where you normally would and via different technologies from what you
would normally use.  Check out posts from previous ROOPHLOCHs[1-6] for

Most importantly, have fun!

[1] gopher://
[2] gopher://
[3] gopher://
[4] gopher://
[5] gopher://
[6] gopher://