A quick autumnal update

The tree outside my bedroom window is very nearly entirely bare of
leaves, and after the "fall back" time switch the other weekend
I'm riding home from work in the dark.  We're in deep autumn now
and winter does not feel far away at all.  I'm not especially
unhappy about this, just surprised at how quickly it feels like
it's happened.  I don't mind riding in the drak, but I will miss
going for walks after dinner, which there doesn't feel much point
in when I can't see anything.  I've switched from cold overnight
oats to warm oatmeal for breakfasts, which is always nice.  I still
soak 'em overnight so that they cook down quickly in the mornings.
I guess binocular astronomy season is here again (or rather, the
season when you can casually slot it into the rest of your life
without really devoting yourself to it), and MW/LW DXing season, too.

It feels like there's a lot of supremely cool stuff happening in the
smolnet and adjacent spaces lately, like cat's Embryonic Church[1] and
the associated Feral Kingdom podcast, sloum's Hearth Stories
project[2], which I am super duper looking forward to the first
release of next month, and the Lucid Observer pubnix[3] seems to
slowly but steadily taking shape.  I have a project of my own up my
sleeve, but I am super busy at work these days and also behind on
Gemini project admin stuff and just simple phlog/gemlog writing.  It's
been a pretty productive year for me for the most part, in terms of
hobbies, but there's still stuff I'd like to get done and I hope I
can marshall the time and energy for it before the end of the year,
which feels like the metaphorical freight train at this point.  I
think I'll try and get the *log writing wheels turning again in the
near future with a couple of short and casual posts, just to
re-establish the routine.  I wanna write more like that going forward,

[1] gopher://embryonic.church:70/1
[2] http://hearthstories.org/
[3] gopher://lucid.observer:70/1