August 24th, 2018

After work today I bought two 9mm spanners so I could adjust the yoke
on my front brakes.  I sat down this evening and spent a good hour
fine tuning everything.  It quickly became apparent that this is the
kind of thing that you can spend as long as you like trying to get
*just perfect*, so that the only way to escape from an infinite loop
is to, at some point, declare it "good enough".  And I've done that.

Are they perfect?  Absolutely not.  Could a professional bike
mechanic do a better job?  You betcha.  Are they pretty good?  I'd
certainly like to think so.  Are they a *hell* of a lot better than
the brakes on my other bike which I ride several times a week without
worrying about?  Beyond any shadow of a doubt.

I now feel totally prepared to take this bike for a *real* first ride
tomorrow.  I can't wait!