August 26th, 2018

I popped into the co-op today, banged my left crank back on to the
spindle with a rubber mallet and then torqued the bolt in as hard as I
could.  Hopefully it stays put now!  My plan now is to take short ~30
minute rides after work every evening this week, to see if the crank
problem repeats itself or any other little problems like this turn up.
If everything is going fine, then next weekend I'll feel safe trying a
multi-hour ride, weather permiting.

I also found a new bolt for my rear brake caliper, which let me mount
it more firmly so I could centre it properly and have it stay there.
This means I can now sink some time into adjusting the rear brakes as
nicely as I did the first ones, which is about the last little bit of
tinkering required.

I'll try to make some of those 30 minute test rides go past LBSes so I
can look at my options for bar tape and a bottle cage, as both of
those things would make a long ride on the weekend more pleasant.