Septemeber 30th, 2018

I got a decent amount of riding in over the weekend, and after two
days of an occasional metallic ticking sound that I really, *really*
hoped was just the left crank permanently and comfortably settling
back onto the spindle, the inevitable happened this evening.  On the
way home from a quick jaunt to the local supermarket, the left crank
started to feel odd.  I could wobble it freely with my hand when I got
home, and the bolt was so loose I could remove it with my fingers.

It's obvious that this Ofmega crank is just not going to work out.
I'm quite over this endless cycle (no pun intended!) of installing
the crank and praying for three days that it stays put, only to have
it almost always come lose.  I just want to be able to ride the damn
thing long and hard without having to obsessively listen to every
little sound from the bottom bracket and worry about my crank falling
off.  I want this much, much more than I want to triumph over this
silly non-standard crank taper, more than I want the bike to have
matching cranks, and more than I want to not feel bad about splitting
up a pair of matching cranks.  This Thursday I'll grab that
almost-not-ugly SR Custom crank I mentioned previously[1], with a
perfectly standard JIS taper, and install it.  I really hope that will
be the end of all this crank drama!

[1] gopher://