
Just dropping in to drop some <3 in gopherspace and for CS.

As some of you know I hopped over to geminispace as my main indienet
space/capsule/garden some time ago. I've been a bit less active there
in recent months/weeks as well, somewhat despairing about both the
state of the world, the Net, the Web, etc. Not so much the 'indienet'
or 'indieweb' which carry the right spirit, but seeing this spirit
fail to stretch beyond a very niche or small corner of a broader world
of 'media relations' is something that I find a bit upsetting.
Particularly as when considered, those media relations stretch between
us all; our headspace, wellbeing, bodyspace, our politics, our planet.
This communication stuff is important not just for us to share news or
updates about tech/software/projects (the type of content I frequently
see on Geminispace (though perhaps I haven't learned to look/search as
deep as I should there)). This communication stuff connects all the
aforementioned things... and as all these things, and more, determine
the direction and structure of our world, our society, our planet, our
time, our lives... that makes it an important nut to crack. On musings
on this, I don't have solutions or solutions-thinking lately, so much
as just dwellings (often towards the melancholy as I fail to see how
this infrastructure we have is 'working').

Here's hoping some of that spirit - of independence, creativity,
non-commercial, non-capitalist, liberatory, revolutionary, loving,
caring, compassionate, gentle - can stretch into popular comms
infrastructure, tendencies or movements.


~ moji