10-01-2019::port70                                   .moji

You know what I want? A cool-ass 'port70' sticker for my
laptop. No other words, no gopher, no explanation, just
'Port70' with like an old-school Amiga design or like
betamax or VHS. With a colorscheme and aesthetic that only
draws on early-90s terminals, monospace fonts, base-32(?)

I think I might have a shot at designing some. Anyone else
want to have a go? This can't be a commercial endeavour, of
course. But perhaps if we got a set made we could shop
around for a decent sticker-printer and print a limited
batch for fun/lulz, etc.

I imagine these stickers kind-of faded like those stickers
you'd see on old VW Camper vans that read something like:
'Take only memories, leave only footprints.'

                     *    *    *

Thanks sloum for this post[1] on the new frontier of the
pubnix & micro-pubnix fedserviverse - and also tips for
programming. This past few days I've been fitting in 1hr a
day, minimum, for learning. I'm jumping into python purely
because it seems to have a low barrier to entry and actually
I find it quite intuitive and really enjoy it so far,
more-so than Javascript that I hacked around on a bit last
year. I hear you on trying to find things I *want* to do and
using that as guidance, and I hope to adopt this approach
soon, but right now I also feel I need to get some basics
under my belt. I can already feel the stirrings of my mind
hinting towards the possibilities.

                     *    *    *

I also want to shout-out to this post by lntl[2] over on the
Republic. I really enjoyed reading this episode - the
storytelling and the outcome.

<3 sundogs

~ moji

[1] gopher://circumlunar.space:70/0/~sloum/phlog/20190106-22.txt
[2] gopher://republic.circumlunar.space:70/0/~lntl/logs/181229

#port70 #stickers #programming #python