
I realised the other day that the last phlog post I had on here was
still early in my C19 symptoms, so I thought it was a bit careless to
have not posted an update since I'd fully recovered - which I have.
Apologies for not writing to state this sooner.

It took around 4-weeks from the first start of symptoms to feel fully
recovered, and able to do things that previously put some strain on my
respiratory system (like go for longer walks or runs) but
certainly weeks 3 and 4 were very very mild symptoms all round -
mainly fatigue and the continuation of a mild, dry cough.

The most annoying symptom was continuation of lack of smell and taste
which lasted 2-weeks in total. When my smell/taste started returning,
that was the clearest indicator that I was getting past it. It
obviously isn't confirmed that it was C19 that myself and my
housemates had, but all the symptoms completely match up so I think
we're convinced this is what we were unwell with.

I've been back at work (working remotely) for a couple of weeks.
Working remotely is not something I'd done a lot before this, but it
suits me very well. I'm also saving so much money in having no commute
and not buying lunches out - a look at my finances show I'm saving
about three times what I can when I'm having to chug the daily
commute. So I think many of us (workers) are hoping to keep pushing
for this more beneficial working setup to be more 'normal' from here
on in. I say all this and I know how lucky I am to have this kind of
work and stability, and it's certainly not the same for everyone. It's
a sad time and a lot of strain is starting to be put on teachers now
in the UK, for example, with a lot of speculation that schools and
teachers will be encouraged to return before it is safe. This is


I've also been keenly watching a lot of the buzz around gemini over
the past few months and the extra buzz in the last little while after
some activity on HN and elsewhere. It's cool to see that community
growing and I'm trying to work out the right way I want to enter
gemini-space before I do. Right now, I'm something of a lurker, which
suits me fine for now.


In the C19 'downtime' I've managed to really learn some much better
cooking, read a lot more, do a lot more self-taught studying, and some
other stuff. One thing I'm really happy with is last weekend I found
some wooden pallets on the street and built them into a raised planter
in my garden. I just need to get some compost and then I'm good to go.
I'll maybe post some pics once I'm set up. I'm appreciating the more
local-subsistance living at the moment.


Thanks also to tfurrows and others for sharing that indie gopher game
('gophers'). I really ejoyed the music and the aesthetic. The writing
was quite sharp too.

Stay safe, stay well.

~ moji