Demons to some, but angels to others.

When my wife and I saw Killing Joke a few months ago, at one point
between songs Jaz was talking to the crowd and he referenced all of
the negative things going on in the world lately, all of the
conspiracy theories proved right.  He referenced these things and
then without skipping a beat came:

"We told you so!!"

The band that was telling us the elites have been plotting our
deaths and enslavement, burying us in debt and working against our
interests right from the start, and they told us back in 1980 - had
now came back around on their 40th anniversary tour to have a laugh
with us and rub it in that all of the things they were telling us
back in the wee early 1980's that seemed like loony conspiracy
theories?  Yeah that's just the evening news that none of us really
want to watch any more.

'Ha ha, only serious' indeed.

The show was fantastic and it was great to see them live.

Darwin Days is Walter Jon Williams' term for it, the unraveling of
society into a victimize-or-be-victimized state where roving gangs
prey upon smaller groups and most everyone just looks out for
Number One in order to get by without being killed or possibly even
eaten.  Hobbes' State of Nature - survival of the debased, the
sociopathic, the ruthless because they're willing to escalate the
violence, contribute to the chaos rather than trying to check it or
reduce it.  Think "J.D." Dean in 'Heathers', but he's an example of
most people - out to screw you before you start to think about
screwing him.  Riots, random violence, collapse of institutions.

Williams writes about teenage gangs running things, many of them
amoral and seeing humor in the reversal of society, the young
taking over with a sense of humor about the end of previous
generations pretensions of stability.  That of course just reminds
me of Aleksander Solzhenitsyn writing of how the kids were the most
dangerous gangs in the Gulag camps - taught the lesson to
victimize or be victimized before they had really gained any sense
of morality, they were a scourge.

Killing Joke warned us that's what we're headed toward, that social
conventions and the illusion of decent society is covering up the
fact that we're heading toward a great big mess where it's everyone
for themselves, where government will collapse because it has only
been aiding and abetting the corrosion.

Today we are poisoning our oceans and atmosphere and the ocean
levels are rising, polar ice is retreating each year.  We are
performing inverted 'terra-forming' on the Earth.  Remember the
movie 'They Live' and the aliens increasing the carbon dioxide and
methane to suit their preferred environment?  "They are turning our
atmosphere into their atmosphere" - except there is no Them and
we're changing the atmosphere into something that will kill us
through global warming, lung diseases, and acidification of the

We don't need an alien race to come in and subvert our future using
subliminal ads and a quiet takeover of our government - we're doing
it to ourselves!  It's a dark prank that we're playing on our own