Hello again friend, fellow gophernaut.

I've had my head in the proveribal sand recently, and haven't been
around  aside from  an occasional  browse  on gopher.  In fact,  I
almost missed ROOPHLOC 2019.

Fear not,  for here is  my entry.  Please excuse the  terseness --
that will be explained below.

I'm  posting this  from my  backyard, mostly  because I  just read
about this and didn't had time  to implement a solution and find a
nice remote place to post. I'm  sending this via packet radio to a
local Winlink node through a  digipeater. 1200 baud with a simplex
repeater is  mighty slow.  This post  is composed  and sent  on my
laptop using pat, then to a TH-D72 HT with a semi-portable quarter
wave ground plane antenna made from an SO-239 connector with 14awg
wire soldered  to it. Simple,  but effective.  Then it goes  to an
email address  checked by a  raspberry pi with  fetchmail, filters
out the attachment  (easier than stripping metadata  and allows me
to dictate filenames),  then rsyncs to the zaibatsu  via cron job.
Something bashed  out in a couple  hours. Bonus is that  I can now
send posts using the equipment I already have in my EDC bag except
for the ground  plane (I could use  my roll up slim  jim with some
paracord to hang it if I wanted to keep it all in a bag).

It's a  beautiful day  today, with mild  temperatures and  a light
breeze. I'm  enjoying listening to the  birds and owls. I  think I
shall go for a bike ride.