To 'i' or not to 'i'.
                                           Sunday, April 15, 2018

This one is a little bit puzzling. Reading the orientation file
we are given when registering at I find this:

[begin quote]
 If you would like to intersperse some text in your menu, e.g. to put ASCII
 art at the top of the page or to break up your menu with section headers,
 you can begin a line of the gophermap with "i" for "info".  Info lines will
 not be parsed like menu lines, they will just be displayed as-is.
 Technically, the "i" is not always necessary as Gophernicus will treat any
 line of a Gophermap which doesn't begin with a valid item type or some other
 special character as an info line.  However, it's not easy to remember all
 the characters which will trigger parsing as a menu item, so it is a good
 habit to begin your info lines with "i".
[end quote]

I've read elsewhere to the same effect so I'm sure it's me not
getting it.

I was under the impression that while one *should* put the 'i's at
the beginning of info lines, the server is lenient enough that
nothing bad happens if one doesn't.

Striving to be a good citizen I started typing my 'i's in only to
be rewarded with a bunch of 'i's rendered at the beginning of each

Got it now. The above statments hold true as long as the line
in question follows the overal format. That is: at least it must
end with a <TAB> character. The selector seems to be optional.

As for lines, beggining with 'i' or not, not incorporating <TAB>s
I don't know, they seem to be processed as they are.

I'm not sure at this point how much of this is Gophernicus specific.
OTH I'm ruling client blame for the time being as the same result is
observed in at least a couple clients.