Once upon a time... Open Solaris!
                                           Wednesday, February 2, 2022

There was a brief period, around 2008-2009, when I was a happy Open Solaris
user. To me, Linux was feeling bloated at the time. Go figure!

So I found about Open Solaris, tried it, and got promptly enamored with it.
Of course, Oracle bought Sun and, just as promptly, close-sourced Sun's
previously open source work.

Oracle took all community contributions, which had been copyright assigned,
with them and that was it. There's plenty information in the internet about
that sad story if you are interested in knowing more. This entry is not about

There was a group of people who at the time forked Open Solaris and kept
developing it. Nowadays this effort has given us Illumos, which is the kernel
plus the userland, as wel as several distributions: Openinidiana, Triblix,
OmniOS, SmartOS, Nexenta, and more.

I've been surveying these distributions lately and I'm thinking on moving
to Illumos. I'll be probably using Openindiana or Triblix for the desktop, and
SmartOS or OmniOS for my server needs.

I'll be documenting this process and my impressions all along here. So stay
tuned for some Illumos content if you feel so inclined.

Links of interest
[1] illumos https://illumos.org/
[2] Openindiana https://www.openindiana.org/
[3] Tribblix http://www.tribblix.org/
[4] SmartOS https://smartos.org/
[5] OmniOS https://omnios.org/
[6] The full illumos distribution list https://illumos.org/docs/about/distro/