Subj : IREX Registration
To   : Andrew Kolchoogin
From : mark lewis
Date : Sat Jun 04 2016 09:33 pm

04 Jun 16 18:50, you wrote to me:

ml>> it is my POSTIT tool...

AK> According to BINKD you were posted rules to your tool doesn't add
AK> tearline to echomail message. It's no good. :)

tear lines are not required by the spec... the operator of the tool can add
their own tear line too the bottom of the file if they like... i prefer to not
have a tear line and have been running without one since the '90s when fastecho
first came with the feature (FEOPT=STRIPTEAR) to strip tear lines from locally
originated messages when they are scanned out of the message base... /this/
(point) system only has one because i've not dug into HPT to change the code to
make tear lines optional and i haven't written a post processor to strip them
out of the PKTs... but seriously, though... tear lines are not required by the
spec ;)


Always Mount a Scratch Monkey

... Teach your children four precious words: "We can't afford it."
* Origin:  (1:3634/12.73)