Subj : Re: Snitch Country
To   : Dan Clough
From : Ward Dossche
Date : Sun Aug 14 2022 02:38 pm


DC> Yeah, OK, so the USA sucks and your little country is perfect.  Yada
DC> yada yada.  Whatever.  You're great and we suck.  There.  Happy now
DC> Ward?  Or is it Beeorn?  Getting hard to tell any difference between the
DC> two of you.

Politics in the USA has become a marketable media-show which generates income for corporations like Fox, no wonder people on this side of the pond are in a capacity to generate their {often sharp} opinion.

There are a lot of things in the USA which suck from our point of view ... providing a decent salary for a decent job for example, universal healthcare, pensions. the pipeline business, the whole immigration system ...

But for a large percentage of countries on the way to development it's still better that what they have.


Oh yes, your politics suck too ... my former girlfirned overthere sucked too, man did she have lips ...

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