Subj : Testinging timED/2 1.3x
To   : Roman Litvinenko
From : Tommi Koivula
Date : Sun Jul 15 2018 06:57 pm

13 Jul 18 22:03, Roman Litvinenko wrote to Robert Wolfe:

RW>> Just checking things out with FE/2 :)

RL> A little question :-)

RL> How did you register FE/2? I wonder if there is still a legit way to do
RL> this, at FE site author stated that registration is free upon request, but
RL> I guess that author's email is dead, or he stopped checking it.

RL> I did set up FE/2 recently as well, but timeout messages are bugging me a
RL> lot :)

Have you tried fidonet crash netmail? :)

18:56 [31765] outgoing session with
18:56 [31765] OPT CRAM-MD5-4ad91afd4617ae7472f384918d59e470
18:56 [31765] Remote requests MD mode
18:56 [31765] OPT PLZ CRYPT
18:56 [31765] Remote requests CRYPT mode
18:56 [31765] SYS WayForward BBS * Home of FastEcho * IP-Line
18:56 [31765] ZYZ Tobias Burchhardt
18:56 [31765] LOC Greven, Germany
18:56 [31765] PHN
18:56 [31765] NDL MO,CM,IBN,ITN:60177,IFC
18:56 [31765] TIME Sun, 15 Jul 2018 17:56:22 +0200
18:56 [31765] VER Radius/4.010/21.01.2005,13:56(Final-Release)/Win32
18:56 [31765] addr: 2:2448/400@fidonet
18:56 [31765] addr: 2:2448/401@fidonet
18:56 [31765] addr: 2:2448/4000@fidonet
18:56 [31765] done (to 2:2448/400@fidonet, OK, S/R: 0/0 (0/0 bytes))
18:56 [31765] session closed, quitting...


--- GoldED+/EMX 1.1.5-b20170303
* Origin: =========================================>>> (2:221/1)