Subj : xlaxnode registration
To   : David Rance
From : Richard Webb
Date : Sun Apr 15 2007 12:53 pm

David Rance wrote in a message to Richard Webb:

DR> Hello Richard,

DR> Well, I'm back home. I don't have the original distribution archive
DR> of TBBSNC but I guess it isn't needed as it's exactly the same as

DR> If I put it up for ftp can you get it? Or is there any other way of
DR> my getting it to you?

wIsh I could but that's broken with my other internet access acount and my
antique here at the moment thanks to them wanting everything at all except
email and newsgroups going through their proxy server <bummer>. YOu can send it
routed to me through my uplink however  which is 1:3634/12.  He's internet
connected for fido mail and will route files on to me.

--- timEd 1.10.y2k+
* Origin: Radio REscue on fidonet       (1:116/901)