author: ckeen
date: 2018-02-26

# What does 'ali li pona' mean?

ali li pona means 'All is well' in toki pona. Toki pona is a
constructed language that explores minimalism, as it features a
really tiny vocabulary of ~120 words.

I began learning toki pona in February 2018 and after one day of
learning the vocabulary I have been able to read texts written by
others. Formulating one's own sentences needs a bit more practise,
because there are certain idioms and usage of compound words that
are not part of the language lessons. And there are a lot of words
you need to think about yourself.

Take 'meditation' for example. It is a complex word. How do you
express the meaning in toki pona?

I have settled with 'pali kon' or 'kon pona' meaning 'work of the
spirit' or 'simple spirit'. The "official word" would be 'kepeken
sona' which would be 'usage of wisdom'.

As you can see there is a lot to think about when using this little
language but it has been fun so far!

