Thinking of Another Project..

I have something in mind, maybe it could  distract  me       _.._
from life and my state for a bit, and add some content    .' .-'`
in this hole of mine.                                    /  /
                                                        |  |
During the last school year, I gathered alot of  notes,  \  '.___.;
and I'm  an  open  person, so  anyone  who  needs  some   '._  _.'
useless knowledge, they can get it  there,  except.. I dont
know if Gopher likes  .org  files, sure  i  can convert them to
txt and be happy, but i also wanna keep it "at that", if you know what
i mean.

I might just go on and release my final quarter's files since thats the
only one with an okay format that Gopher boi might agree to.