Appledash Fanfiction

Ah yes, another weird topic that I decided to bring up     _.._
for some reason, I maybe old  and  rusty (no im not an   .' .-'`
old person) but i still come  back to  the  My  Little  /  /
Fandom when I'm in need of anything interesting.        |  |
                                                       \  '.___.;
Generation 4 may have already ended 3 years ago, but     '._  _.'
there's fans coming in and out, and funny enough, they're
probably the same age as me, or older, I can't guarantee about
that, and the fact that Generation 5  is  on  the  stage  just
brings new fans on to the block, its quite delightful to hear.

Now, Appledash, a ship between Rainbow Dash and Applejack from
Generation 4, its not that bad, but the fanfictions  that I've
encountered starting from th  past  month  are..  concerningly
interesting, in a sense that  I  want to read  it  again,  and
again, you just can't get enough

       And that is where i start to question my sanity.

I don't know if I'm ever gonna get out  of  this  phase, But i
hope I do, its ruining  my  sleep  schedule  and  my  progress
towards a new project that i can do this summer.