=====THE END==================================================================

I am and will be yours and you are mine until the end. We are one single
person, and will always be. Will never ever break apart. I vow to never
leave you in your darkest times as well as mine. I will always be there
with you.


Why am I in this dark quiet place. Silence everywhere, why can't I feel my
heart beating ? Why the soil is not making any sound as I walk in it. Why
is nobody here! Hello!!


It's been days, maybe weeks , why don't I feel any hunger, thirst, not even
tiredness. Am I alive or am I not? What's that light over there ? Hello!!!




Why can't I touch you? Why do you look soo old? Why is that bulb glowing soo
white instead of yellow? Is that a calendar? It's been 10 years? Where are
all the photos of mine? Is that your diary? What do you mean you waited?
What is that mark on your neck? It looks like a healed cut.


This wasn't a hallucination? So, am I actually dead? Why am I seeing her?
And who's that guy? Heyy!!, can anyone hear me!!? I'm up here! Wait, Are
they kissing? How am I suddenly able to read minds?


She has gone through too much. She attempted suicide? Oh, that's what the
mark is. So, she met him two years ago on the same graveyard where I was


He too knows what it feels to lose a loved one. His girlfriend died of
brain tumor. Ohh so, he plays guitar too. Ahh those good old days.


After all, what have I become? What am I now? What is the purpose of my
existence? Maybe there's no reason at all.


Am I just a part of me that lives in her. Maybe this is my life after I am
dead. I'm an infection inside her brain, the infection that has the ability
to form into a tumor. I have the potential to kill her and maybe, maybe we
can be together again, should I? But, what's life then? Isn't it the hope
of being alive and trying to fulfill your dreams? What's life without some
pain, some wounds, some scratches and bruises that makes you feel more
alive. She got the opportunity to live it the way it was intended, I
didn't. Yeah she is actually alive, the aliveness that comes killing the
pain, healing the wounds as the tears dry up. She's alive, alive with new
hope, with new feelings, a new start...
As she heals from her never-known disease , me.