About Ed
Ed dislikes modern shop floors. He likes shops with old worn
painted wooden floors. These floors show history in a much clearer
way. The worn down areas show the pathways through the shop, and
show how much the individual paths have been used in the past. The
patched up areas show where the counter used to be, and they show
how the shop's interior furniture changed over time. According to
Ed, the best wooden floors are painted a dark red, or mint green.
Ideally made of hardwoods from temperate climates, like oak,
however on some lucky occasion Ed walks in to a softwood floor,
like pine. Now this really shows wear like nothing else. One can
imagine Ed spends quite some time walking around on those floors.
Quitely observing every aspect of wear and tear. Listening to every
sound the floor makes.

Ed is annoyed that these days, nearly every shop is being equipped
with either ceramic or carpet tiles. These things have no soul, no
history to read. They are hearthless... suited for all the
hearthless people in the world.