Fediverse instances to **stay away** from.

The fediverse is a great place to socialise. You can meet people of many
different races and cultures and their opinions. You can express your own,
and have civilised discussions and arguments about your own opinions.
The fediverse is divided into many **instances**, or web servers to
communicate with each other. To those familiar to centralised services such as
Twitter, choosing an instance can be hard. Fortunately, I have made a list
of instances you shouldn't consider when first signing up. Of course, this
is my own opinion. If you don't like it, feel free to not follow it.

``gab.com``: It advertises itself as a place of free speech, with little to
no moderation. This can sound
good at first, until you realise that it can attract delusional members of the
alt-right. And it certainly does. Due to their outrageous opinions which no
sane person would want to hear, most instances have barred Gab users from
interracting with them.
``gab.ai``: It's just an alternative domain for Gab.
``banana.dog``: From what I've read, it's a funny joke instance in which you
post memes to get into the top. Not for serious socialising, though.
~~``octodon.social``: The owner has a wrong idea about Richard Stallman's
opinions about Epstein. I was in favour of him, and she said something in
the words of: 'alright fuck it you have 24 hours to get out of my
instance'~~ I have matured and changed my opinion on this. I see where these
opinons come from, and I respect them.
``awoo.space``: It whitelists the instances which it federates with. It's a
cool experiment, but in my opinion, it just limits potential for
``pawoo.net``: Runs on an outdated version of Mastodon.
``botsin.space``: This instance isn't for humans; it is an instance solely
for bots to live in!
``newsbots.eu``: Same as ``botsin.space``.
``kiwifarms.cc``: Movitated by the same pressures as Gab, and therefore has a
similar community.
Any GNU Social instance (e.g. ``gnusocial.no``): GNU social has not been
updated in a long time; therefore, expect some important features (like
ActivityPub!) to not be implemented.

This list will be updated in the future.

tags: mastodon, stay, away, alt-right, toxic, fediverse, federation, social, network,