Sandwich devlog #2

Today (well, actually, yesterday. I just forgot to write this until just now), i did three things in the [`sandwich`]( development process.

#### newline separator

the first thing i did was make the separator a `\n` instead of a space. because of this change, you can now print strings with spaces in them. for example, to print "Hello, world!" in the previous version, you had to do this:

       pHello pWorld!

but they would actually print on separate lines. this is not what i wanted, so i changed it to look like this:

       pHello world!

subsequent instructions would go on their own lines, rather than being next to other instructions.

#### explicit variable calls and comments

before, variables would get automatically get converted. however, this can be very annoying. this is what it looked like:

       lhHello ph

but what if you wanted to print `h`? you'd have to set the variable `h` to be `h`, then print it out, then set it back to what it was before. to combat this, i've changed this to look like the following:


variables are now denoted by a `$` before its name.

i also added *comments*, which can be used like so:

       pHello, world!
       # the interpreter will skip the next line (and this line)
       #pThis will not print

#### readme, license, code comments

i added a readme and a (un)license, so newcomers will know how to use the language. i also added comments to the code, so people readding the source code can tell what each peice of code does.

as always, please try to contribute to sandwich by sending a patch to my email or making a pull request on tildegit. instructions are in the README.

happy coding!

tags: sandwich, rust, programming, devlog