author: ~ben
published: true
title: tildepages
description: user pages on tilde.team
- publishing

because [~ben](https://tilde.team/~ben/) hoards domain names, you can
use the following domains with your tildepage:

see also the [master list of domains](domains).

* fuckup.club
* nand.sh
* ttm.sh
* tild3.org
* tilde.ninja
* tilde.site
* tilde.team
* tildeteam.net
* tildeteam.org

this means you can access your user page from any of the following
url formats, substituting domain and username:

* `https://domain.tld/~username/`
* `https://domain.tld/u/username/`
* `https://username.domain.tld/`

## your public\_html

`~/public_html` is the webroot for your tildepage. files you place in there
are served at the addresses described above.

static files are served normally, along with the following dynamic options:

* php - name the file with a .php extension or use index.php
* perl - name the file with a .pl extension
* sh/cgi - name the file with a .sh or .cgi extension
* python - name the file with a .py extension
* lua - name the file with a .lua extension
* cgi-bin - name it whatever you want and place it in `~/public_html/cgi-bin/`
 don't forget to make the cgi-bin script executable

if you're having trouble with any of these cgi scripts, make sure that the script
has a correct shebang, is executable, and that you're sending the content-type
header as the first thing.

## webring

check out [~webring](https://tilde.team/ring/) for instructions of how to add your tilde.team html pages to the team

## static page generators

there are several static site generators available, including some cool blog

### blog engines

* [bashblog](tildeblogs) - a single shell script that helps you build a blog
 with plain html or markdown. also supports mirroring your posts into your
 [`~/public_gopher` gopherhole](gopher).

* [ttbp](ttbp) - tilde.team blogging platform. originally built for [tilde.town](
 https://tilde.town/) by [~endorphant](https://tilde.town/~endorphant/). forked
 with a handful of patches for our setup.

### ssgs

* [mkdocs](https://www.mkdocs.org) - markdown project documentation tool.
 additional themes are available from the [mkdocs-bootstrap](
 http://mkdocs.github.io/mkdocs-bootstrap/) and [mkdocs-bootswatch](
 http://mkdocs.github.io/mkdocs-bootswatch/) projects. just set your theme name
 to one those listed and rebuild. generally recommended to not build the mkdocs
 source directly in your webroot. set the destination to somewhere in `~/public_html`,
 symlink, or move/copy the generated files manually. for example, if you wanted to
 make a mkdocs site called mywiki available on the web, you could do:
 `ln -s ~/mywiki ~/public_html/wiki`

* [hugo](https://gohugo.io/) - static site generator built in go

* [jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/) - static site generator used by github for
 [github pages](https://pages.github.com) built in ruby

* [zola](https://getzola.org/) - single-binary static site generator written in rust