author: ~ben
published: true
title: stuff to do on tilde.team
description: programs and utilities to use on tilde.team
- beginners

- `chat` - opens weechat connected to #meta and #team
   - `cat $(which chat)` to see what defaults we're setting
- `mutt` - command line mail client for @tilde.team mail
- `alpine` - alternate command line mail client based on pine
- `bbj` - command line bbs (bulletin board and jelly)
   - source here: [gitea mirror](https://tildegit.org/bbj/bbj) and [github fork](https://github.com/bbj-dev/bbj)
- `who` - see who else is connected right now
- `pb` - [pastebin](https://paste.tilde.team)
- `talk` - old school tty-sharing tool: see `man talk` for more info
- `finger` - get info on other users (local and remote on other tildeverse member servers)
- `toot` - submit a post to the [tilde.team mastodon account](https://tilde.zone/@tildeteam)
- `botany` - tend to your plants and visit teammates' gardens
- `bb` - [bashblog tool](tildeblogs)
- `feels` - ttbp feels engine, forked from [tilde.town/~endorphant](https://tilde.town/~endorphant/ttbp/). post to
 gopher, web, or internal only.
- `dcss` - connect to [tildecrawl](https://crawl.tildeverse.org) and get your roguelike on

you can type `motd` to see this while you're logged in :)