I can't remember what my degeneracy pun was. There's no degeneracy.

bit-d-generate  is a common  lisp native pbm image format  package  with
bit array -> pbm ; and
pbm -> generator function (of 1s and 0s).

pbm is a historical  80s binary  image  format  with two lines  of ascii
headers, followed by some bits.

3 3

describes the image


with junk at the end to fill out the last 8 bit byte.

My point is a recognisable  dense uncompressed  image format for storing
my binary hopfield nets.  I guess it's superseded  in modern times  by a
binary   palette   png  image  with  UNCOMPRESSABLE    flagged   DEFLATE
compression.   However  the format is very simple,  though having digits
encoded  as ascii text in the header lines is weird. I didn't attempt to
handle the ignoring of whitespace or comment lines.  My reader generator
function only closes the file when attempting  to generate the next bit,
and there is no next bit, which propagates a simple-error  to you (after
closing the file).

I found  the netpbm  utility  was a little  unreliable,  but imagemagick
grokked my meaning.