Upon the 'stodon recently  we were chattering  in the halo of a big
commercial contract of Louis's. Someone good-naturedly explained to
me that big commercial  projects need to be made with  one of a few
incumbent Scalable Frameworks.

I sketched this layercake:

0. Language implementation and extensions provided by compiler

1. Feature packages that do one thing once

2. A framework

3. An overarching intent

At  first I suggested  to the pro-Gulag-Golang+javascript  people -
and against Google's Native Advertising - that if they were worried
there wasn't  commercial  support for Common Lisp layer 0 that they
use one of the many famous commercial common lisp compilers such as
LispWorks  or Franz lisp to choose just two. Louis rightly remanded
me- in spite of the famous quality  of work at the commercial  lisp
implementations various, Steel Bank Common Lisp is under a free (if
commercially  permissive) license and also demonstrates  incredible
quality and high and growing development activity and Louis rightly
recommends it. (Aside: Louis of emacs.ch).

But the commentary  I received  was that I had mistaken  commercial
applications  as being new packages in layer 1 sitting upon layer 0
while Commercial Applications  were members of layer 3 and sat upon
layer 2. This is suspicious, because if we take layer 0 as our base
case - we often assume from observation that layer 0 is reliable -

there is no presented connection between layer 2 and layer 1, so if
we put layer  3 upon layer 2 we don't have a recursion  down to our
terminating  base case layer 0. This makes me suspicious of whether
this  framework  layer 2 exists at all - and I think  my suspicions
are given weight by the Large And Scalable various.

The intuitive merit of layer 2 is like this:  When you want someone
you live with but have a disparate  schedule to to read  a message,
you stick a note to the fridge.  You could send an email, but email
is   nothing   but  Scam  robo-mailers   abusing   access  to  your
historically  significant  public electronic  mailbox.  In contrast
people  often use a fridge's other  features,  and it is physically
sedentary on a long time scale  and  (pre-smart-fridge)  relatively
safe from scammers.

Electronic mail is a good layer 2, except that bad people trying to
scam money from others  can't be given access to it, and publically
addressable  electronic  mail scammers  are now Technically   Legal
Companies given aegis for their predatory scam robo-messages by the
government companies who want to borrow their services.

I would say Microsoft  Github is another example of a layer 2 going
bad (so bad Microsoft  bought it).  We can see layer  2 is a common
site for disease and the parasites of profit-seeking (rent-seeking)

Those examples  were to lure those of you now mumbling Those Aren't
Real  Frameworks-   like what.  Google Firebase   Facebook   React?
ServerLessIsMore  and Kafka over kubernetes docker chroots?  With a
subscription  proprietary web GUI dashboard buildable GUI dashboard
with  unsophisticated   graph pictures  that embarrass   all  these
entrepreneurs for buying into them on the world stage?

,Framework' Layer 2 is underdefined.  Is slurm a layer 2? Can layer
2 be a cultural  mechanism,  like adhering  to OpenBSD   norms  and

I went on for a long time about layer 2 because it's  actually  the
highest layer. If this were layers of a forest

0. Understory (language implementation)

1. Canopy (package ecosystem)

2. Emergent (application framework)

There  isn't  an even-more-emergent  layer.  An  application   that
consists  of a shifting network of communicating  nodes is still in
layer 2.

This is why buying  into someone else's  layer 2 application  never
seems  to actually  help in the wild.  You still  have to grow you.
However,  adding their pork does increase  your mass (partaking  of
this shortening  is called agile).  This might be desirable  if you
were  having trouble becoming sufficiently  fridge-like  purely  by
interning foods.

Fundamental  here is the moral of your own tightness  with the rest
of your ecosystem.

Cheating by renting a helicopter  to drop you onto a rented  branch
of someone  else's  emergent-  you owe them rent and the inevitable
fall sucks.

Chris, I hope you accept my ecosystem.