Busy busy busy.

In my remaining hour to write this and beep-boop some notes for synthember, I
shall just jam what I am thinking about, which is my friend Alfred M. Szmidt.
ams is known for jocular mastodon toots such as Scheme Is Not A Lisp Bite Me.
This topic is formed as a joke common to some community, but is obviously a
riling thing to say (that's part of the joke) and yet also culturally and
academically stimulating: Scheme was a sort of lambda calculus distillation of
what it was that Makes Lisp Good. However according to non-scheme lisps, this
turns out to be an impossible distillation to perform. In general now according
to me, Sussman of SICM/SICP scheme lisp are in the lisp fold:
However LISP clearly denotes the more mainstream MACLISP compiler tradition
and also the more avant garde interlisp tradition, both hailing for the 60s to
modern times. These traditions discovered new ideas and the conjunction of new
ideas in a way that continues to be unrivalled.

Just now, ams issued another toot that anglophone rage against Gnu Image
Manipulation Program being named Gnu Image Manipulation Program (an English
language riff on a sexual fetish). This turned up interesting sincere
conversation and underscored that GIMP refers to GIMP; and this isn't a
controversial word in other languages, any more than cookie is a controversial
term in web design. There is nuance - what Makes Lisps Lisps is nuanced after
all, but I think not renaming GIMP away from GNU and definitely not to Python
is the clear winner here. I appreciate Christine and everyone's humored and
warm-hearted contributions to the discussion, though GNU Leather something
would be too on the nose for me.

This thread had an offshoot, whether lisp naming conventions were being applied
to anglophone-only "assholes" in which tooters explained %the% *different*
#<variable naming> **conventions** in lisp. This kind of uncomfortable yet
rich and historically advised educational issuance is what we know and love
from ams.

I've somewhat buried the lead: ams had the foresight to be deeply involved in
porting the MIT (pre-commercialisation) MIT-CADR lisp machine c. 1983 to both
VM and FPGA. (System 100.22 or thereabouts). When I first noticed this project,
FPGAs still sucked: Ironically, the DARPA effort to push for a tiny amount
of user freedom in hardware went on to drastically improve the FPGA landscape.

In my opinion, ams' MIT-CADR on FPGA (and sane computer VM) is the most
important evolution in personal computing freedom, and has only been possible
through ams' time-violating vision through both past and future lisp.

The MIT-CADR's 1983 system patch language, zetalisp, basically was the
dynamic growing of ANSI common lisp 1e, so except for having FLAVORS instead
of CLOS (a very basal change) and the C2MOP not having sprouted, it's very
compatible character for character to us common lisp developers.

Please use! And get involved with CHAOSNET and the MIT-CADR through ams'
fossil and usage information, which blends seemlessly to historical code and
mailing list documentation from our friends and favourite hackers from the
80s MIT AI lab.


Tell and ask @[email protected] and I ( @[email protected] )
about it on the mastodon!

See you all tomorrow.

100daystooffload 7 !