Common Lisp Interface Manager 2 ANSI standard ahoy.

Well, I added a settings pane, and an interactor to change settings like

Wavelength (wavelength samples) 500 <RET>

with display updates on the command loop, and a bunch of buttons, two of
which do useful things.

I think the understanding here is that now I can make notes (with my linear
ramping), I need an instrument for the notes to inhabit.

Welcoming suggestions, but here's my plan (nothing like current):

For visuals on a touch screen:
Have three big panes and an interactor. Then touch/drag/release events on the
panes generate notes, basically having two spatial dimensions and one
qualitative property, but where these dimensions and properties are chosen,
mixed and matched on the fly using the interactor pane.

Now this seems very visually anchored, but the idea is that the same thing
maps to

qwe rty uio
asd fgh jkl
zxc vbn m,.

so that a keyboard is a literal keyboard.

I'm not sure where this strange journey is going.

Oh! I missed it, who heard ffog et al's synthember synth battling?

Don't forget writers #100daystooffload on the 'stodon,
and @synthember #synthember for synthember

(sometimes #synthtember for @[email protected] - who needs a hard
synth again!)

Today my code is in the communal lispusers repo (I'll push presently)

[email protected]:j9000/lispusers

in particular ./tfw/high/beeps and ./tfw/high/turntable

which I load in like this:

$ rlwrap ecl
> (require :asdf)
> (require :mcclim)
> (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :lispusers/tfw/high/turntable)
> (in-package :lispusers/tfw/high/turntable)
> (setq *frame* (make-application-frame 'turntable :path #p"~/my-track.raw"))
> (run-frame-top-level *frame*)

The interactor commands currently are like
> wavelength 300
sets the wavelength to 300 samples. I think I implement repeats as well but
I forgot. The add-note and play buttons work (play passes to mpv(1) so you
need that). There's also quit. See our repo (and please join in if you
clone it!)

September 3rd out !


PS: Trackaday - just put together some fry-y notes with my CLIM2

PPS: Installing McCLIM is difficult without quicklisp because of its many
graphics format dependencies.