#+TITLE: emacs startup hook orgfile
#+AUTHOR: screwlisp
#+PROPERTY: header-args:elisp :tangle no
#+PROPERTY: header-args:elisp :eval  no
This org file's blocks are yes/no executed on emacs-startup-hook.

:eval yes when you want to be prompted for it during startup.

Startup should be like



==emacsclient -c -a ""==

so you can make the interactive choices.

==emacs --daemon==

will silently decline to execute anything (noninteractive behaviour).

* Add block                                        :call_this_for_new_blocks:
#+CALL: config.org:define-and-screwtape-block() :eval no

* blocks

** slime
#+name: clim-sbcl-start
#+begin_src elisp :eval yes

 (insert "sbcl --load ~/common-lisp/slime*/start-swank.lisp --eval '(progn (require :mcclim) (asdf:load-system :rmoo))'")
 (sleep-for 5)


#+RESULTS: clim-sbcl-start
: #<buffer config-startup.org>



** my-heading
#+name: slime-connect
#+begin_src elisp :eval yes
(slime-connect "localhost" 4005)

#+RESULTS: slime-connect
: #<process SLIME Lisp>

#+RESULTS: my-name
: #<process SLIME Lisp>