#+TITLE: A small vignette about config.org
#+author: screwlisp

This is just a little note about my other file, ==config.org==

That file has a CALLable function, ==define-and-screwtape-block==,
which defines, names and runs a keyboard macro that
1. goes to the end of the file (==M->==)
2. Adds a heading at the current level (==M-<RET>==)
3. Names and defs an elisp src block (==C-c C-v d <RET> elisp <RET>== etc)
4. Starts a text block afterwards

That should be filled in by the user.

It should be called (in ==~/.emacs.d/config.org==) by placing the
cursor in the line
#+CALL: define-and-screwtape-block()
and pressing ==C-c C-c==.

This should take you to the end of the file and add an elisp block and

You should change the heading and name (must-be-hyphenated), and write
elisp that you want to happen when you start emacs in the new source

Write your own text about it after the source block (mandatory).

When you tangle ==C-c C-v t== with the cursor not in one particular
source block, all the elisp blocks not specially marked ==:tangle no==
will get tangled into a new elisp file,

Then in your init file - which I assume is ==~/.emacs.d/init.el==,
being an elisp file (emacs is an elisp program) you can add something
like these two lines

relatively near the top.

#+begin_src elisp :export code
 (require 'org)
 (load "~/.emacs.d/init.el")

My intent is to make the customising-emacs-startup traditional
learning experience be more similar to how I jam code in emacs

Feedback welcome, either during the lispy gopher climate or on the
mastodon; [[https://mastodon.sdf.org/@screwtape]]